Shermain for Vermont!!!

Day 733, 01:56 Published in USA USA by Shermain

Hello, I am Shermain, I am running under the CvP banner for congress in the State of Vermont.
I would like to represent Vermont, I have seen what this long fought war on America has done to our Great Land. Our enemies thought we were done, but little did they know the eAmerican Spirit. I did what we all would have done, when our freedom, way of life and liberty is at the point of extinction. Freedom’s spirit swept this nation and I did what any citizen of this nation would do. Answer the call of duty and I have fought in many battles, with many of you. Mentoring many rogue nations and its leaders as to what is ment by...."gave proof through the night that our Flag was still there...."

I would like to continue my role as an active citizen, shouting from a hill top how great our enation is. What better way than, having your and I mean your voice in congress.

I have heard from some of you but I have not been able to work on domestic issues and make a more day to day impact in citizen’s lives.

I would like to talk with you for a few minutes, letting you know where I stand on the issues. Issues that concern our Government and most of all You!

On Government Transparency:
If you elect me, you can expect to see Congressional updates every few days, from your congressman. I will do my best to keep people informed on what's going on in Congress and on my personal voting record.

On Military:
Second, I adamantly support the military and its’ endeavors in helping keep us safe here at home and abroad and our allies. I support keeping the military funding at more than sufficient levels. Who doesn't support our military? I know that they're taking steps to spend it wisely and reduce necessary costs. This war has unfortunately made me understand one thing; we need a strong defense, military and make sure our Commander in Chief will do what it takes to keep us safe here at home and abroad. I am one who believes that the military should do what is tactically best and send our enemies to their eternal dirt nap.

As it pertains to tanking In the end, Field Marshall is not really the defining requirement to be a tank even though it maximizes your rank. What sets tanks apart is their very high strength, which can only be reached by playing for a long time. When you reach Field Marshall you will still do much less damage than an FM who has 10 more strength than you.

Of course as strength approaches infinity this difference cancels out, so in a very long time your damage may be similar enough to warrant tank status. At the same time, the oldest players will eventually drop out, and as each one does your relative military importance increases. I will say if you can afford to pay to increase your military XP then go right ahead.

Speaking of affordability, when a citizen is at war, I say use whatever quality weapon you could afford at the time. I think this is a case by case choice, because you know what you can buy at the time you suit up for duty.

While taxes are a vital part to maintaining stability in our nation, I believe that we should only tax to a slight excess over our expenses. Some revenue should be held in preparation should PEACE (now crumbling) or others for this matter decide to attack so that we may defend ourselves and our allies. I welcome the idea of lowering our import taxes on raw materials to 1% but I wish to see the impact made by those bills to include economic help here at home. Over the course of the next few days, without a doubt, be hearing more from me as to how I plan to accomplish these goals.
We are stronger today than one month ago, our health care system is important as well.

Health Care:
Some have proposed that hospitals should be in every state, we know that can not be done at this time, to be honest never. Due to the fact that we do not have the gold to support this huge overhaul onto our health care sector and most of all the effect caused to our eUS economy. Having said that, we must make some tough decisions. If you look in many States like FL, CA, and a few others have huge populations, many of the citizens are inactive, dead, dying, or some even banned. So for some one to build a hospital just because of state population is high, is a waste of money. This is how many feel and think. I am not in favor of massive hospital expansion. I am however in favor of what I call a regional Health Care System. One hospital in the South, North East, Mid-West, and West Coast regions.
As is stands today:
South (FL)
West (CA)
North East (TBA) (NY or Penn)
Mid-West (TBA) (T😵
Two hospitals are not placed at this time but should be looked at in the days to come if elected to congress. I think the placement of the other two hospitals should be placed in a based on:

High Resources – these are key to defend because they are so valuable to our economy.
High Active Population – which would increases the wall of a state solely based on the amount of citizens residing in it.
Where jobs are more likely to be created which would create a growing population and a growing gdp.
To sum it up; all States are important, do they need health care facilities, yes, do they need them right now, no. I know this may seems mean, but I will not run on promises I can not deliver. I will fight for health care solutions! I will fight for you as it pertains to a growing economy! We grow strongest in our patience! My name is Shermain and I am running to represent you Vermont!

I know many of you will come here and post bad things about me, but let me say this, I was a noob. The very next day, I contacted Ligtreb and sent him a real apology and he helped me understand how things work in this game.I have done what I needed to do.

Shermain Taylor