RP - The hidden truth of eAUS

Day 2,072, 17:48 Published in Australia Australia by Icetek

As most of you know by now, a new party has been formed, we are the REFORM PARTY. Lately i see a lot of articles of other party's with the promise of congress for you as long as you join their party. Which is fine, but, have you ever noticed how they will always put themselves and their friends first?

Have you ever noticed how it is the same people running over and over and over again, doing absolutely nothing for eAUS, except sit around and wait for others to pass laws/bills?

Here is just a few that i am talking about;

****************Binda33: 32x Congress that is 160 gold.

****************Infin: 27x Congress that is 135 gold.

****************Majester: 23x Congress that is 115 gold.

Just to name a few. Yet they will go around saying how I am 'bribing' members into my party, while they sit on free gold. So next time you see them type that, feel free to message them and ask them for some GOLD.

Most of you can tell this country is stuck in a grid lock, not many new players progress far and most of us do not even care to try to be a CP because of the constant power hold of these players who will not let you do anything new, or what goes against them.

They play the game only way they know how, which is talk smack and shut down anything anyone is trying to do productive. They pride themselves on ADF and the past, which is a fail. When will we try something new? Meanwhile in eUSA they are inventing new programs like paying for your travel costs in war time, eAUS would rather waste money on hiring mercs and MPP's which have no real use for eAUS in the future.

So the big question,

will the REFORM PARTY change eAUS?

Since eAUS prides on its over-reacted policy's and laws, their is only one way to play this game. REFORM PARTY with the help of another 1 or 2 party's will try to gain the most congress. This in exchange will let us legally change and get rid of red tape holding this country in the past. Only then can we make true changes even if the old players bitch and scratch.

As i stated in my past article some of the REFORMs;


This being a REFORM PARTY it is extreamly important to name these reforms.

1- Party Presidents MUST take responsibility for their leadership role. Before CP elections, PP's MUST send a message to ALL members asking what they think on ANY/ALL major issues that are going on in eAUS. For example, 'Does eAUS join CoT?'. PP's are expected to be loyal and honest about the tally's of the response, then a CP nomination or endorsement will be made based on the tally of the member vote.

2- Forum and IRC ownership. This is argue-mental on may levels. As most of you know, XG is the admin of forums, and Binda33 is 2nd in commend. I have no problem with XG running the forums, as he is taking the responsibility with finances, even tho myself and him have problems, our problems are in this game. My problem is with Binda33, regardless of personal problems, she chooses to play favorites with people and biased towards others. We all know arguing with her on the subject is pointless as she does not see it. And in a way i am jealous that no one else will be given a fair shot at gaining the trust in eAUS holding such a high position. (Myself for example is i would never ban Infin or Binda33 because of close-encounters) But what pisses me off is i will never have the chance to prove myself of being responsible.

3- eAUS has gone a long way....long long way....to build up rules and regulations based on the past to prevent chaos, and my respect goes to my enemy Binda33 for doing a great job upholding and keeping them in check. However, as time passes by so do players! I propose a total over-look at ALL rules and laws in eAUS, to be organized and made dummy-proof. Why? Because new players have no idea on what the hell is going on with them or understand them. Old players for example will understand why a law was passed not to eat candy bars in daily fights, but new players will not. (
These are just to name a few, and are open to change/suggestions or additions from others.

LET US TAKE eAUS BACK, let us get rid of the power hold these player's have who can not enjoy the game unless they are in a highest position this game offers. It is obvious they are bored with this game with no substitute and they do not see they are killing the game for the rest of us.

Join the REFORM PARTY today, and open the doors for yourself. Also notice how their is already talk on the forums how REFORM PARTY is a potential PTO threat? Notice Xavier Griffith is not even a eAUS citizen, and notice how supereviloverlord has not thrown down ANY real damage for the fight against eINDO? Yet, they are the first to talk shit.

Do not be fooled by these other party claims of getting congress, they will always look out after themselves first. Don't believe me? You can check it out for yourself this upcoming congress election.


Past Articles on REFORM PARTY

PS. Don't be suckers to their games, if they where doing a good job why is eAUS stuck with new players leaving and quitting? Why do we barely get any new citizen applications only for them to leave in a week?

Remember, they do not even enjoy the game, to them its the same ole same ole, blocking the rest of us, while they have control. They do not play for fun but out of boredom (and there is a difference) they cant admit to themselves they are washed out. eAUS has no future under these conditions, and a upcoming wipe will prove that.