Round 2 Death Matches

Day 1,133, 15:43 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

Well the results are in after this busy season of Elections and christmas. There was some close matches and straight up mismatches in round 2.

I'd like to take a moment to thank our judges for putting in the time to pick winners ina fair and timely manner. Scoring these Death matches are.


You don't like the results these are the men to bitch at.

Red Division

Fighting for a chance at the Red division title were Magog and Spiderman. Both fighters had one sided tilts with victories with Magog smashing the Halo dude and Spidey soundly silencing the Riddler.

Magog vs Spiderman


Looks like Spidermans speed,strength and other assorted spidey abilities came through for him again in this close scoring of 2-1.

Also fighting out of the Red Division were Hulk and the Predator. Again both fightesr severly clobbered there previous foes. This was looking to be one of round 2's premiere tilts.

Hulk vs Predator


In a battle royal of brute strength vs technology and stealth. T and S came through with another close scoring of 2-1. Predators alien alloy blades and plasma cannon were enough to wear down the hulk. You cannot kill an opponent you cannot find and hulk was never known for his intelligence just his ferocity.

Black Division

Venom had his hands full last round with a victory over the white Ranger while Magneto breezed through round 1 killin the pie eater. Its seems that Venom had his hands full again with the master of all that is metal.

Venom vs Magneto


In all that can be called the amazing upset on the level of rogues round one loss. Somehow Venom dug down deep and found the fortitude to win a close one 2-1 over Magneto.

Terminators opponent was disqualified after finding out how powerful he was. Terminator moves on to the Division finals.


Purple Division

In a fierce battle of Hand to Hand superiority of Electra vs Wolverine the question on everyone's mind was could Electra find an answer to Wolverine's adamantium.

Electra vs Wolverine


The answer was no Wolverine slices and dices his way to round 3 with a win of 2-1.

In the war of a smooth talkin New Orleans frenchman vs a smooth talkin Brit who would smart mouth there way to victory.

Gambit vs James Bond


James Bond was a fighter but was just no match to go the distance in a battle of mutants. Gambits mutant abilities were the ultimate tide turner for a victory of 2-1.

Blue Division

What happens when you pit two psyco's with a street code and another with a code a chaos against one another. Well you get a blood bath.

Marv vs Joker


Joker was to busy talkin psyco babble when Marv went ape shit and beat him into a bloody pulp. Marv 3-0.

The final match of round 2 was the Nefarious Dr.Doom taking on the beautiful Lara Croft. We were about to find out how far good looks and a couple guns would get ya.

Dr.Doom vs Lara Croft


Not very far against one as sinister as Dr.Doom. 2 tits and 2 pistola's means nothing to the diabolical plans of Dr.Doom.

Injury Report

Take into account that these injuries were sustained 8 days ago per the last article. So give time for basic healing and health care. Guns what not can be reloaded if ungamaged but are considered beyond repair if damaged.

Spiderman-Broken Ribs, Mild concussion,facial lacerations.

Predator-Lacerations to left side chest, side and left leg,Plasma cannon not functioning beyond repair (hit by random objects Hulk was throwing. Gear still operational blades,spear and Chamo armor.

Terminator-Loss of an arm at the elbow and gun Destroyed beyond repair (from the Rogue fight).

Venom-Sustained various injuries of lacerations and broken bones throughout body. Symbiote badly hurt and cannot sustain full coverage of Eddie Brocks body.

Wolverine-No identifialbe injuries.

Gambit-Gun shot wound to arm. Gun shot grazes to leg,side and arm.

Marv-Acid Burn to face and chest. Broken collarbone.

Dr.Doom-Armor fractured and cracking in places. Concussion (from the Batman tilt).

Stats update the previous score of Heroes vs Villains was 9-7 for Heroes. Round 2 was a 4-4 split for a tally of 13-11. Both sides fighting for superiority the Villains need to dig down deep to make a comeback with opponents dropping like flys from the tournament.

Round 3

All matches will be Cage Matches for the Division Finals

Red Division Final

Spiderman vs Predator

Black Division Final

Venom vs Terminator

Purple Division Final

Wolverine vs Gambit

Blue Division Final

Marv vs Dr.Doom

Death Match's Brought to you by the Military Dictatorship Party.
Think with your gun and not your head.

I'd like to thank all the boys in the MDP who helped me get elected into Congress on christmas day. Damn I needed that gold. I was one broke Rylde.