Day 2,069, 00:39 Published in Australia Australia by Icetek

Dear eAustralia,

Some know and some do not, that a new party has been formed from the ashes of the Communist Party. The party was left behind from Flatty's leadership who is the current CP, and has left it along with Arfman.

Despite them leaving (which i wish they did not) i have 'renamed' the party to the name of "REFORM PARTY". Originally i was going to call it 'Australian Reform Party' but since we already have a ARP it was only right not to embark on others turf.

Ok so what this party is about and how will it be different from the rest?

Party Privileges

1- I have seen what eUSA is doing with a new program to PAYBACK people who travel to fight. I am really pleased and happy at the person who invented this. Hence why, i will start a program within the party, where players who go and fight will be re payed in full for their cost travel.

2- Congress opportunity is THERE* for you, just ask and you shall receive if you wish to participate.

3- Weekly contests where you can win up to 2000CC. Payed for fully by myself.

4- Overall we want active people. Stressed out in real life? Just come tell us about it and vent. After all, this is a game...lets have fun.

First of all, partys have a choice of choosing what type of leadership they can be threw a drop down menu, which is really bullshizzle. Everyone member in the party will have their own thought and opinions on how the country should be ruled. Peace, war, or dont care. Meaning, me being PP i would like to see a peace treaty and a close relationship with eINDO, where as the next PP might want war. So being Center, far left or far right really does not matter. The only position this party will have is what is best for eAustralia, the way it should be.
Second, everyone will be encouraged to run for congress. You do not have to be active on this game 24/7 but at least have a opinion and vote on certain legislation being passed by our CP.
Third, friendship and loyalty between members is a must! One player will not always agree with another. Which is why myself and anyone else wishing to be non-biased will try to prevent any party member disputes and let them dish it out on their own. Compromises and agreements is what makes the world go round, and that will should be upheld within this party.


This being a REFORM PARTY it is extreamly important to name these reforms.

1- Party Presidents MUST take responsibility for their leadership role. Before CP elections, PP's MUST send a message to ALL members asking what they think on ANY/ALL major issues that are going on in eAUS. For example, 'Does eAUS join CoT?'. PP's are expected to be loyal and honest about the tally's of the response, then a CP nomination or endorsement will be made based on the tally of the member vote.

2- Forum and IRC ownership. This is argue-mental on may levels. As most of you know, XG is the admin of forums, and Binda33 is 2nd in commend. I have no problem with XG running the forums, as he is taking the responsibility with finances, even tho myself and him have problems, our problems are in this game. My problem is with Binda33, regardless of personal problems, she chooses to play favorites with people and biased towards others. We all know arguing with her on the subject is pointless as she does not see it. And in a way i am jealous that no one else will be given a fair shot at gaining the trust in eAUS holding such a high position. (Myself for example is i would never ban Infin or Binda33 because of close-encounters) But what pisses me off is i will never have the chance to prove myself of being responsible.

3- eAUS has gone a long way....long long build up rules and regulations based on the past to prevent chaos, and my respect goes to my enemy Binda33 for doing a great job upholding and keeping them in check. However, as time passes by so do players! I propose a total over-look at ALL rules and laws in eAUS, to be organized and made dummy-proof. Why? Because new players have no idea on what the hell is going on with them or understand them. Old players for example will understand why a law was passed not to eat candy bars in daily fights, but new players will not. (

Future upcoming

1- I have talked with a few people to see if it is possible to create a ADD-ON for eREP where players will have a direct feed to view (like a sidebar on eREP) view forums, any new topics posted right their on the game menu. No excuse why congressmen should not be engaged and party members. If this works, this will be the FIRST PARTY on eREP to have such a program and sociability.

2- As most of eAUS does not know my past identity because i have quit the game about 1 1/2 years ago and came back under Icetek, i still have a lot of friends from the begging when the game was only 1000 players strong, i can always help with negotiations between country's. Not all, but some. Meaning all future congressman and CP's will have at least a connection before they come with a final plan.

3- If a _RP_ CP should win a election while i am PP, i will push for him to pass a bill where ANY player in eAUS who invites 5 ACTIVE people to play (this will be looked at in 2 weeks time) to receive cash bonus.

If you like it, then please come join us at PR.


Your Party President,