Real life threats have no place in eRepublik

Day 2,142, 06:56 Published in Canada Canada by Foxfire

I'm going to take off my political hat for this one and approach this simply as a player of eRepublik.

From time to time some of us forget that this is just a game. Something to enjoy and not take too seriously. If this is personal to you, time to reevaluate your priorities and where a “free” badly designed browser game belongs in those priorities.

More and more I have been witnessing that one person's opinion is being perceived as a violation of another person's rights. That is if you don't agree with someone else, not only can you not agree to disagree, but that you have in some way been grievously wronged and your right to never have a differing opinion enter your sphere of discussion has been violated. Given this is a political simulator, you would think we are more adapt at the the discourse of ideologies without the toxic follow through that generally creates a hanging misery in this country.

I was recently made aware of events between two players that I found greatly disturbing. I was prompted me to highlight it, as when a community becomes this ugly, it's time someone held up a mirror.

Real life threats, for any reason, are way past the point of reasonable or debate. If I felt the need to threaten someone because they did or said something I don't like or disagree with, then I've lost that fight by default.

I won't bother to understand why someone would do such a thing and I don't need to. It's wrong plain and simple. There is no place for it in eRepublik and there are some real life laws that you need to become familiar with real quick.

I have confirmed with Acacia Mason that these messages did take place as posted.

If I really don't like something in the game I have an option available to me that is both profound and finite. I turn the game off. To threaten to post someone's contact information so people can call them at their home and work removes that option. Someone that provided an avenue for people to threaten yourself and your family goes well beyond accepted game play.

If you seriously think that anything in this game is more important than another person's personal safety, we as a community need to make it very clear this is not acceptable in our game. Set a higher standard. God knows the admins won't do it.