RCI - New shares and information

Day 1,689, 12:06 Published in Sweden Sweden by C.Nilsson

Hello, this article is important i will bring news about future plans and current development aswell as information about new shares!

I start out with the new shares. RCI shares is in high demand and i have problems to saticfy this demand since i like to hold atleast 50 % of the shares. In the begining of RCI i made new shares almost every month and the money was used to expand but after admin made factorys close to useless i stopped this tactic. Now on later days admin seems to be trying to improve the market and i se light in the end of the tunnel so creating shares will both give more people a chanse of joining our stock company family and improve the income.

I now announce that RCI creates 1000 shares and you are free to buy. Of course i will give the current shareholders a bonus in form of a limirted ammount of cheaper shares since you % ownership of RCI will drop, but hopefully your income will incresse 🙂

You can buy maximum 100 shares, shareholder or not. The price of one share is 0.19 gold. Current shareholders have the opportunity to buy 25 shares for 0.15 gold each. I have some people who have alredy asked to buy so i will reserv some shares for them so they dont end up emptyhanded. I will myself buy 500 shares so you better be quick if you want a peice of this 😉


We inside RCI have talked about a form of lending program were RCI can lend our medium sized loans, shareholders will have a lower intrestrate on there loans. If you need a loan just contact me and i will se what RCI can do for you. This will be a way for RCI to make our money work for us, we have 36420 CC saved up as a kind of buffert but will now be used for this banking project.

You are probably wondering what we shall use the money we get from the new shares. Well it is planed to match the market demand for Q3 weapons, we have at the moment 4 Q2 weapon factorys and the plan is to make these to Q3 weapon who is even more profitible then Q5/6 at the moment. We can milk the lack of this products for as long as possible but we will of course wait with the upgrade until the sale is coming but if i know admin right it will be here anyday now 😉

I am working on making a article about our income from day 1 to now and the value of share from day one to now, it will be awesome. I have also made RCI a little bit more domacratic with more voting amongs shareholders so you will have alot to say about our future and what path we shall walk in. When doing the reserch for this i noticed something very intresting, we have existed for 11 month now and is closing in on 1 year! I would think that we are the oldest eSwedish stock company that is still going on and thats pretty cool 😉

We may walk slowly when the wind is against us but we will never cave down, we walk towards prosperity.

Resource Corporation, Inc