Proof that Winston L.S. Churchill = Ajay Bruno

Day 755, 16:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jake Pearlshire

Dear readers:

I decided to search Ajay Bruno in the searchbox to see what exactly he was like.


You try it. See if you can see that big of a difference between him and Winston L.S. Churchill. Well - I didn't.

"TONIGHT - AN ALL NEW The Ajay Bruno Show- Fail, Fail, & More Fail?"

That's a name of one of the articles. I think that's a good enough piece of evidence to tell you who Winston L.S. Churchill really is.

Another is that most of the people saying "Winston for PM" are from South Africa and the US. Why? Because they are Ajay's countries. If that's not enough right there, I don't know what is. If you have an argument Churchill, say it right now.

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Jake Pearlshire

PS: For real - look up Ajay Bruno in the eRepublik search citizen searchbox. Also look him up on the eRepublik Wikipedia thing.