Presidents of New World (Third article) - President of Serbia - gid1

Day 1,126, 00:14 Published in Serbia Chile by NickName7
My friends,
today we are continuing our action President of New World.In our third article,you can read biography and interview with president of Serbia, gid1.In next day you will see here president of Croatia,Thailand,Bulgaria,Japan,BiH... Please VOTE and SUB for this article that whole World can see the article.I am sorry if my English is bad.If you find mistakes,tell me that I can rectify that.




Age: 26
Erepublik birthday: 12. February 2009. or 450. Day of The New World
Economy skill: 11,Guru**
Strength: 2126
Military rank: Colonel**
Place of Residence in Erepublik: Belgrade,Serbia
Number of medals: 30

gid1 is current president of Serbia. This is his first mandate.He was born 450. Day of the New World or 12. February 2009.He is 26. expirience level,he has a 30 medals (13 HW,1 CP,1 MM,5 BH,2 RH,8 SS) and he’s national rank is 152.He is a press director of Iz drugog ugla... and he has 1 462 subscribers. On the way to become most respected man in Serbia.


1.Can you tell as something about you in RL?

I'm unemployed CNC machinist and programmer, 26 years old, married, have a 4 years old daughter.

2.You last month become a president Serbia for the first time.Is that be your dream?

Not even close... I wanted to improve eSerbian position in this game, beeing CP is price I had to pay...

3.What is your main reason for candidature for president of Serbia?

All political parties supported more or less me as candidate. Serbian people got united in this game for one month, and look at the difference on the battlefield.

4.What do you think about changing Erepublik in last months?

Blah, this is another game. Not strategy anymore... I have to attack attack attack... I'm tired. On the other side one man is defending Greece from Turkey, no army needed, you can just buy countries if u wish... It's online shooting game now and like strategies more...

5.What is main objective for Serbia in this month?

Getting out of cage...

6.What do you think about situation on Balkan?

Balkan countries don't have gold buyers, still that's the place where biggest ammount of gold is spent. For what reason I don't know... Probably it's not that interesting for USA to fight against Indonesia or some other country... Or maybe others don't want to risk to loose something...

7.Will you delete Croatia from the map of New World,if you can?What do you think about war with Croatia?

I don't like it! It's blocking both our nations and we don't play erepublik anymore, we just fight against each other in order to fill up pockets of admins. This game was about strategy when I joined in. Anyway people don't want to stop it, so if they want it, they'll get it. I hope than someone will understand that it leads nowhere. Now it's interesting, but day after day always same thing... While people want it they'll have it.

8.What do you think about situation in BiH?Will the war rise again?

Absolutely. That's always in our program. Even if we get back and loose everything, we will reorganize and start again.

9.Will Serbia search for new resorces in this month?

Hard to say. It's not much about resources anymore. As I said, I'm strategy player, so I see more use of domination on map than from resources.

10.Will Serbia ever try to again get colonies in Asia or try to expand the teritory to the Central Europe?

Central Europe is most contested area of the map at the moment, and where the fight is open, there we go 🙂 Phoenix has some troubles there, having eSerbia in Central Europe would change it all...

11.What do you think about the current state of economy in Serbia?

I was minister of finance for 6 months, and I can guarantee that eSerbia's economy is certainly strongest economy of eWorld. Base of that strength is active players that have companies all over the world, and number of maps that is much higher than in other countries.

12.Is Serbia stronger than Croatia?

Serbia is 5 times stronger than Croatia at least. War You see is not between Serbia and Croatia, but between Serbia and EDEN forces willing to spend their gold to defend Croatia, otherwise Croatia would be out of map long time ago, strugling to get back on it.

13.What do you think about Croatian president?

Good guy, wants best for his players same way I want it for mine. We would both like to reach higher aims in this game, not to play only to fight each other.

14.Is EDEN stronger than PHOENIX?What do you think about situation in Phoenix?

Depends what You see as strenght... If You erase Credit Cards from game for a month, You erase Eden... On all fields of game Phoenix is superior except with RL money spending.

15. Are you satisfied with your government?


16.Is your main reason of joining Erepublik to win all medals or that people remembered you as the honest man?

I don't want to be remembered, I want my people to be remembered.

17.Choose (if you can,explain):


Phoenix, because even when it's dead it still exists on battlefield!

a) Croatia b) Albania

Albania, I'm tired of proving we are stronger than Croatia.

a)Romania b)Bulgaria

Romania, most similar way of playing game to ours.

a)Sport b)Games

Games, I don't have time for sport.

a)Beer b)Juice


a)Serbia with colonies in Asia b)Serbia in Central Europe

Central Europe. Asia is... past. Been there, done that, I want something new.

18.Will you ever again try to become a president of Serbia?

No, if You want to be good president in this module You have to pass 15 hours a day playing erepublik, and find someone to change You during the time You sleep and eat. One month now is 5 months before.

19.Have you ever bought a gold with RL money?

No, I wouldn't feel mine victories bought with RL money. It's not that I did something big if I buy myself a country in erepublik, just showed I'm rich. Great players are those that find way to win without that help! In fair game, let's see who can organize better, gather more people online, sleep less, produce more weapons and finance more battles just from what You can earn in game... Anyway it's long time that I understood that this game would not be equal that way, and there would be only 2-3 superpowers while everyone else would be erased.

20.What do you want to tell our readers?Do you have any message?


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