Presidents of New World (Fourth article) - President of Croatia - Antonio Wimer

Day 1,127, 09:31 Published in Serbia Chile by NickName7
My friends,
Today you can read an interview with president of Croatia Antonio Wimer.In next day you will see interviews with president of Thailand,Bulgaria,Japan,BiH... Please VOTE and SUB for this article that whole World can see the article.I am sorry if my English is bad.If you find mistakes,tell me that I can rectify that.

Antonio Wimer


Antonio Wimer

Name: Antonio
Age: 21
Ocuppation: Student
Erepublik birthday: 8. August 2009. or 627. Day of The New World
Economy skill: 10,Guru*
Strength: 1628
Military rank: Colonel*
Place of Residence in Erepublik: Northwest Croatia,Croatia
Number of medals: 31

Antonio Wimer is a current president of Croatia.This is his first mandate.He was born 627. Day of the New World or 8. August 2009.He is 26. expirience level,he has a 31 medals (8 HW,6 CM,1 CP,2 MM,7 BH,6 SS,1 S😎 and he’s national rank is 79.He is a press director of Prazan list and he has 2084 subscribers. On the way to become one of most respected peoples in Croatia.


1.Can you tell as something about you in RL?

My name is Antonio, 21 years old, not married 😃
Student of economics, really outgoing and funny person 😃

2.You last month become a president of Croatiafor the first time.What you are expecting to do in your first mandate?

I expected to do some changes possibly in economics, strategy and warfare.
Admins changed the rules so we have a war with eSerbia, so it makes impossible for us to do a lot when we are in alert mode all month.

3.What is your main reason for candidature for president of Croatia?

I wanted to have a medal 😃
No, really, i have been playing for more then a year, and have done a lot of stuff by now. I have been involved in politics, economics a lot and wanted to try something new.

4.What do you think about changing Erepublik in last months?Do you agree with admins?

No! they do too much stuff that we don't want, not asking players to express their wishes, solving one problem with another.
Instead of dealing with multies, hacks and stuff they implement stupid "improvements".

5.What is main objective for Croatia in this month?

To have fun with Serbia 😃

6.What do you think about situation in Europe?And what about Croatia situation on Balkan?

In Europe a lot of ongoing wars, it's becoming boring. Each country has one enemy and fighting it.
Croatia situaion on Balkan - check on the map 😃

7.Will you try to increase Croatia population in eWorld?

Well, it would be nice, but i think pretty much we're out of baby booms, our RL population is not so big.

8.What are you expecting in war against Serbia?Serbia took four Croatia original regions.Will you start a resistance war in these regions?

Serbia is much stronger then us, so deletion of Croatia is very possible. About the RW question - i will not discsuss my strategy in public 😃

9.What do you think about the current state of economy in Croatia?Who have a best economy in New World?

Our currency is a little bit low, prices are high 'cuause of war, but it's ok. I think tax politics are good.
Best economy - really can't tell, since i became president i haven't got time to monitor other countries.

10.What do you think about situation in BiH?

BiH has issues in Rl because of multinationaly to that transfers ingame. I think half of people are glad that BiH is occupied.
But BiH is a EDEN country and once it will be liberated.

11.Is Croatia stronger than Serbia?

lol, long time ago....

12.What do you think about Serbia president?

gid1 is an awesome guy, pretty friendly and communicative.
We tried to have a peace proposal, it didn't go thru, but i'm satisfied the way we negotiated, and cooperated in that short time.

13.Is EDEN stronger than PHOENIX?What do you think about current situation in EDEN?

Hard question. New rules made wars more like 1 on 1, with a little help from allies. Everyone has a war on their own, so i can't really tell the strenght of alliances right now.

14. Are you satisfied with your government?

Yes, very much. They all do what i ask of them, know their jobs very well and do it with no arguments.

15.Is your main reason of joining Erepublik to win all medals or that people remembered you as the honest man?

Neither one 😃 I joined for curiosity, and i liked it.
I try to have fun, and socialise with other people. Iw would be nice to have a lot of medals, but that's just a bonus that you get while playing.
Once i logout i really don't care how will people remember me. I know that circle of my eFriends trust me and respect me, and their opinon is the one i care about.

16.Choose (if you can,explain):


EDEN - I'm in EDEN xD

a) Serbia b) Montenegro

RL & ingame Serbia. Have a lot of friends in RL from Serbia, good people.

a) Hungary b) Romania

Rl & ingame Romania. Romanian have been are good friends and allies, since the begining.

a) Pop music b) Rock Music

Rock music.

a) Orange Juice b) Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola... goes better with whiskey 😃

a) Croatia with colonies in Asia b)Croatia have a Serbia original regions

it's the same for me, depends on a recources.

17.Have you ever buy a gold with RL money?

I bought 1 gold by SMS to get expanded storage 😃

18.What do you want to tell our readers?Do you have any message?

I accept all kind of donations. Thank you 😃

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