Presidential MonkeyBusiness, Day 1539

Day 1,539, 20:50 Published in Canada Canada by Kronos Q
Can't forget the music 😁 Untitled by Min Ronnersjo. (but feel free to forget about the weird video.. can't find just the song 🙁 )

Hello eCanada,

Thank you.

Thank you for electing me as President for the term of February. Thank you for supporting me through the campaign, for trusting me in this highest of offices, for believing that I was the best of candidates, or, you know, for disliking me less than the other guys 😛

The first day of Presidential office is always a bit hectic. There's nothing like logging on in the morning with 15 or so unread messages and twice as many friend requests from all over the world. I surely needed more coffee for that.. Alas, the pleasenteries with the many MoFAs, ambassadors, and alliances were not all that bad. Now they all know that they can bug my MoFA rather than myself 😉

I can't say that all that much was "done" today, since there's always that transition period of getting everyone settled into their new chairs. But I thought that I should still write an article, so that you all know that I am indeed still alive. So here are a few things that I thought would be worth mentioning...

Preparations & Settling-In

All of my Cabinet members have found their way to the Executive section of the forum, where they have found themselves a bit of a task-list. For the most part, generic stuff. The MoFA introduces themselves to our neighbours, the MoD reviews our MU Leader communications, the MoImmigration starts planning on how to deal with those pesky wabbits, you know, generic. Hopefully, within the next few days, they'll have something public to show for their work thus far.

Chucky Norris, my Scenario Organizer, has written a quick article about the beginning of the Presidential crash-course program, which can be found here. I've already given our Presidential-wannabes their first "scenario", and they have until Thursday to make their plans for it. After which, we'll see them publish their plans for all to see.

On that topic, we have one more addition to our Vice-President team: JohnSmith 2k9. So the whole group is now Ultimate523, Gary Hubert, George Beeman, and JohnSmith 2k9. There's still one more spot available if anyone wanted to give a serious go at it. Just send me a message with your interest and we'll see if you can join up.

New Stuff!

Less excitingly, I've set up a new IRC channel for eCanada's Foreign Affairs: #eCanFA ...since we didn't seem to have anything like it already. This is just a channel that I tell all of our IRC allies that they can find some of our Exec members in if need be. So if you're on IRC and looking for a Government figure, try looking in #eCanFA.

Now.. the thing that really got me excited today: a new CP button! As far as I can tell, the Admins have added a new feature for Country Presidents. This feature allows the CP to create a proposal to purchase goods from the marketplace. Goods being food, weapons, or buildings. I don't know any more details than that about it other than what's in the image, since all I get when I press the 'Propose' button are headless chickens >_> But, this could be really big news if it is what we think it is. No promises, though, it is the Admins afterall.

Annnnnd that's all I have to say for today. School-work is putting a bit of a hurt on me this week, so I'll probably be a bit of a shadow-President for the next few days. Meaning, I'll be on the forums and FA IRC, but probably not so much in the public eye. No worries, I still plan on having another article out either Wednesday or Thursday. If there's anything you'd like me to talk about in my next article, please make a suggestion in the comments.

Stay tuned for more articles by subscribing to my newspaper, and help others to see this as well by voting it up and shouting it as well.

Thank you for reading!

President of eCanada.

~Monday, February 6th, 2012.