Presidential Elections UPDATED!!

Day 1,079, 06:43 Published in Canada Canada by chewytaz

As today is November 3rd the canidates for the elections posted their goals
so I published this article to show everyone the updates
Whose running
Fox Blutch
Running for: Union National
-Increase population by 5%
-Increase GDP by 15%
-Control 1 new region (London)

Kiligore Trout 89
Running for: New Canadian Empire Party
-Control 49 new regions (all American regions)
-Control 8 new regions (all British regions)
-Control 7 new regions (all Hungarian regions)

Kazuo Leblanc
Running for: Canadian Progressive Front
-Increase population by 1%
-Control 1 new region (Hesse)
-Control 1 new region (London)

Running for: N.A.R.C.
-Increase population by 69%
-Control 8 new regions (all British regions0
-Control 25 new regions (all French/Spanish)

Trenton Rendell
Running for: New Social Democrats
-Increase population by 5%
-Increase GDP by 10%
-Control 8 new regions (all British regions)

Well some of these guys if elected will not keep some of their promises
Some goals will probably will never be achieved
Here's where i got all my information

Thanks for reading
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