Planes, Trains, and Spam-bots: Our forums

Day 2,063, 07:32 Published in Canada Canada by Darkzyxu

An Open Letter to our forum moderators.

Dear Supreme Overlords,

I'll be the first one to admit that I have neglected my duty to the community in keeping the forums alive. I haven't logged-in in months and haven't been regularly active since 2010 but it's a shame that this once vibrant community is now at the mercy of so many threats. Besides the occupation of eCanada, our recent wave of political brain-drain to the United States, I am saddened to find that our forums is sprawling with spam.

We have to do something.

This forums was once the cornerstone of eCanada. All of our legislative history is housed in the archives and we can not let it fall to ruin. With our dwindling population it is absolutely vital that we do not let this tool go waste. Our forums is what captures the imagination of our new citizens. Furthermore, it is the home of our congress and should we one day elect another, the virtual house should be a clean and welcoming environment in which to promote political discourse.

This is not simply a complainant I wish to help remove the spam and the bots and bring the forums back to its glory and I hope that you will join me.

edit: I've removed the link to the forums erepublik says "The URL you are trying to access is considered to be malicious!"