Past, Present and Future

Day 1,201, 02:10 Published in South Korea Romania by Clopoyaur

Hi South Korea,

It is quite a while since the last time I wrote an article, so here is summary of what happened and what are the plans ahead of us:

1) Peace with Japan and training war with Taiwan

As per signed agreement, the war with Japan was stopped and we have returned their original regions right after the congress elections. We didn’t keep any of their regions because our goal in this war was our independence and consolidation on the map, not conquering other territories. The war with Taiwan remained in place as training war for both parts to have the Natural Enemy bonus in training. Until now everything went smooth and nice.

2) State institutions are back on track

Minister of Health started to make bread give-away campaigns for the people to fight, Minister of Defense trough the South Korean Dragons Newspaper managed to publish daily the battle orders. The congressmen were invited on a special chat for discussions and many of them have honored the invitation. For the moment, for the first time in months we have a decent dialog between congress members from both parties. The creation of a united forum is on the way also. A new chat, #eskorea was created for South Korea and I am happy to announce that daily there are a lot of people online and are able to discuss about our country without the fear of being kicked.

3) Economy is slowly recovering

After the war economy is making small steps into recovering phase. Salaries have arisen a bit (around 10-15% only), the number of job offers is greatly increasing and also the abundance of the products on the market show good signs. Unfortunately, the exchange rate is not stable and against all our tries, it varies from day to day, from 1 Krw = 0.010 to 1 Krw = 0.015. Still, we try to stabilize it at a fixed value.

4) Reinforcing the country

Thanks to the efforts of resita2009, South Korea managed to acquire a q1 Hospital company with 3 hospitals on stock. In the last days they were put in Gangwon-do region for our fighters to have extra forces in case an invasion occurs. After that, the company will be upgrade it on q2 and hospitals will also reinforce other important regions of South Korea.

5) World peace

Due to the latest events in the game, caused by the havoc between E-Republik admins and majority of the players, a project for World peace was put in place. If the majority of the countries will decide to stop the war, as a sign of solidarity South Korea will do the same regarding the training war with Taiwan.

6) Today presidential elections take place

I am running again for country presidency today. So here are, in short version my goals:
- Insuring the territorial existence of South Korea
- Reinforcing the regions with hospitals
- Creating and maintaining of a good army
- Increasing of the country economy
- Development of foreign affairs with the surrounding countries
- Stabilizing rate exchange
- Ensuring daily fights for the citizens.

I wish success to my opponent, sehyun and may the best win.

President of South Korea