One More Time

Day 962, 13:44 Published in Canada Canada by Sperry

Musical reference in the title? Adorable kitty? Lack of JB references? Great success!

I first wandered onto eRepublik a year ago. A link from my survivor game (still in Final 3, by the by) brought me here, and for some reason I stayed. Perhaps it was Plato. It could have been the call of the hyuu. Needless to say a lot of time has passed since then.

I like it here. I liked pestering Jacobi when I found the IRC (he was in his second term, I was in my second day). I liked thinking Nosyt was a girl. I liked crawling into the 2-clicker abyss while I dealt with “real life.” But most of all, I liked working with the people on here.

I don’t know what’s wrong with us that we come here to do so much nothing, but I enjoy it. I want to keep spending my time on here, and I want to stay involved. So how can I do that?

The same way I’ve always done it – politics. Now I know you may squirm at the word. You may find it leaves a rotten taste in your mouth and holes in your pockets. But for basket cases like myself, it’s a wonderful way to spend a day.

So, to business.

For the past 24 days I’ve had the pleasure of serving as the EPIC PP. In this time we’ve improved in a lot of areas, and stabilized several others that needed attention. But we’re not done yet – there’s still (and there will always be) plenty to do. I would be honoured to continue to serve EPIC as I have this month. That’s why I’ll be running for the position yet again next Thursday.

EPIC is a wonderful collection of Canadians. It holds faces that I’ve known since I was an e-Infant, new faces that have wandered into our sphere, and oldies who can “back in my day” most of us under the table.

As they do every month, EPIC will have the task of deciding who to sit in the PP slot. I humbly submit myself as a candidate for this position; and wish everyone the best in what I hope will be a very entertaining election.
