On a Related Note

Day 1,843, 11:35 Published in Canada Canada by Funky 24
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I know what you're thinking. They picked Gary Mitchell as the villain? You can't have a villain whose name is Gary Mitchell.


Is this Funky forcing a metaphor for the last three months?

Yes it is.

Some other notes...

-I will not be running for Party President of the CPF this month, or the next, or the one after that. 14 terms is more than enough for one citizen, especially when the party is at least nominally still recognized as the most powerful in eCanada, even if our CPs tend to disregard us or the MDP still exercises a disproportionate amount of Congressional activity...

- Congratulations to Foxfire. Please show that we've already hit rock bottom as a country and that we can only go up from here.

- Re: To ElPato for failing to win the CPF's nomination:

I wonder if he thinks shaming eCanadians for not supporting his bad, and often unexpected plans during his Presidency is a good way to go out?

- Re: To Mary Chan getting back her VP spot and role in Foreign Affairs:

Mind you, giving the VP to the runner-up has been a long held belief of mine. Respecting game mechanics and what not.

That is all. You may return to your dreary ways.