Observation about Kosovo and Metohija

Day 1,423, 11:27 Published in Serbia Switzerland by aLesandar Srbljanski


That pretty much sums up the recent unilateral declaration of independence by Albanian Muslims in the Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohija. Several countries, disgracefully led by the United States, have recognized Kosovo and Metohija. Major media have hailed creation of the "world's newest country." But calling Kosovo a country doesn't make it one.

Косово и Метохија је Србија!

Kosovo and Metohija is Serbia!

Serbia has denounced the move as the illegal creation of a "separatist entity" on its sovereign territory and has handed down criminal indictments against several of the top Albanian Muslim leaders. Now under way is a sharp global competition to see which governments will recognize Kosovo and which will not. Under heavy pressure from the U.S. State Department, most European countries will meekly comply. Some, like Cyprus with its Turkish-occupied north and Spain with its Basque separatist movement, will not.

Косово и Метохия Cербия!

Косово и Метохија е Србија!

In short, an action State Department bureaucrats touted as "settling Kosovo's status" has resulted in anything but. Outside of Europe, the picture is even fuzzier. Russia will reject Kosovo's independence, and expected to take the same line are China, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, South Africa, Brazil and many others. Russia will veto any effort to extend Kosovo membership in the United Nations.

Koszovó és Metohija Szerbia!

Kosovo und Metohija ist Serbien!

Any sovereign state with restive ethnic or religious minorities would recognize Kosovo at its own peril. What Washington seeks to inflict on Serbia today could be the fate of the American southwest tomorrow. Israel, in particular, is closely pondering its next move. While loath to anger Washington, Jerusalem must consider that a Kosovo precedent could, absent any negotiated agreement, prompt proclamation of a Palestinian state, to be recognized by Arab and Muslim regimes. The same precedent could apply to heavily Muslim areas such as Galilee and the Negev within Israel's formal borders.

Kosovo-Metohija est la Serbie!

Kosovo y Metohija es Serbia!

Meanwhile, Christian Serbs in Kosovo are bracing for the worst. "We are all expecting something difficult and horrible," said Bishop Artemije, pastor of Kosovo's Orthodox Christians. "Our message to you, all Serbs in Kosovo, is to remain in your homes and around your monasteries, regardless of what God allows or our enemies do."

Κόσοβο και τα Μετόχια είναι Σερβία!

Kosowo i Metochia jest Serbia!

The bishop's flock has good reason to fear. Far from the usual claims that NATO stopped a humanitarian catastrophe in Kosovo in 1999, the past nine years have seen a slow-motion genocide in progress against the province's Christian Serbian population under the nose of the U.N. and NATO, and at times with their facilitation. Two-thirds of the Serbian population already has been expelled and have not been able to return safely to their homes, along with similar proportions of other groups (Roma, Gorani, Croats and all the Jews). Over 150 churches and monasteries have been destroyed, with crosses and icons of Christ attracting particular vandalistic rage, a testament to Kosovo Albanians' supposed secularism and pro-Western orientation.

Kosovo e Metohija é Sérvia!


Косово и Метохија је Србија!
Kosovo and Metohija is Serbia!
Косово и Метохия Cербия!
Косово и Метохија е Србија
Koszovó és Metohija Szerbia!
Kosovo und Metohija ist Serbien!
Kosovo-Metohija est la Serbie!
Kosovo y Metohija es Serbia!
Κόσοβο και τα Μετόχια είναι Σερβία!
Kosowo i Metochia jest Serbia!
Kosovo e Metohija é Sérvia!
Kosovo dan Metohija adalah Serbia!


