O'darth + Congress + Tennessee = win for all x2

Day 943, 06:12 Published in USA USA by O'Darth McVader

Congress is what I'm talking about. Once again, I will be running under the USWP in Tennessee.
For those who don't know me, my old account was suspended for an unfair reason and even to this day, Admins refuse to tell me what I did wrong. I was running against Necrosis in TN at the time and since I was B-Hammered, Necrosis won, so congrats. Anyway, to my qualifications

My achievements/qualification:
Extremely active
Former senator of Tennessee (lol, technically, twice)
In charge of USWP MM business
Currently in the USWP militia
Former deputy ambassador to China. http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-1-1238079/1/20">You can see I made a fairly large impact on their lives 😉
For some reason the Chinese calls me "犀利哥" which roughly translates to Rhino.....Sharp.....Bro??? o_O I don't know, probably a pun of my old name.

Anyway, to the platform!


The last time I was in congress, we had a uniform tax rate put up. I support the tax we have at this moment. However, I do not favor any large income tax raise unless, it is absolutely necessary. I understand some congress members don't got what it take to actually post what they voted for. Many of them just go and vote yes/no depending on how the other congress legends would want them to vote. I vote on what's right and wrong.

Foreign policies and wars

Although we are out of Eden, we were able to maintain a peaceful and mutual relationship with Eden members. I wish to continue that relationship and keep the feeling mutual. I give full support to the liberation of China and another wave of attack directed towards Lion King. Lion King is a very important strong hold to Serbia and once we take it, we'll be able to cripple Penix's power. All > Penix.

On rage quits

Nuff' said.


Vote for me in Tennessee! I'll supply 2 MTs for each voter.