Not so Natural Enemy...

Day 1,167, 13:19 Published in Australia Australia by Chris Carnage

I know I'm not the only one who finds the Natural Enemy rule a bit disturbing. Nations being required to legislate racial hatred against another country or miss out on a training bonus is just plain wrong in my book. One of the more tasteless aspects of game mechanics, no?

Until now we've managed OK with it. A 'mates agreement' with eNZ who might be considered 'natural allies' would let us get the bonus, have some free training wars and not get bogged down in the moral aspects of the law.

Well now we're taking ourselves a bit seriously with this latest proposal. I mean seriously, Chile is our natural enemy?

I'm the first to admit I don't know much about Chile, either in RL or eRep. Apart from a cursory knowledge of the human rights abuses of the Pinochet era, and the massive earthquake and rescue of miners last year I am totally ignorant. I'm even more ignorant when it comes to eChile. They have a population a little over 1000 people and an MPP with Bulgaria. I don't think we've ever fought against them directly. It might be possible we've been on opposite sides of MPP stacks, but I don't recall them ever being discussed when it came to eAus military or political fortunes.

There's just not enough there for me to hold any kind of grudge against Chile, much less consider them our only "natural enemy". This rule sucks, there is nothing "natural" about it. We might stick our heads up the sand and blame game mechanics but that would be disingenuous. We have a choice here, and we are making the wrong one. Unfortunately I can see only a small handful of congress members agree with me on that.