Non Nobis Domine

Day 4,562, 10:38 Published in Croatia Austria by Ludi Deda


U prijevodu:
Ne nama Gospodine
Ne nama
Već u slavu imena tvojega

To je moto Reda siromašnih vitezova Krista i Salomonova hrama, poznatijih kao Vitezovi Templari.

Templari su 1. svjetski red vitezova svećenika - ratnika u povijesti. Obavezali su se na poslušnost, siromaštvo i krepost, kao i na borbu protiv muslimanskih vojnika.
Red je osnovan nakon 1. križarskog rata 1118. godine sa zvaničnom misijom pratnje hodočasnika do Svete zemlje Jeruzalema, a prava namjena i misija im je bila potraga za Svetim Gralom, Zavjetnim Kovčegom i relikvijama koje su čuvane na dvoru Kralja Solomuna. Red je osnovao plemić Hugo de Payens, a 1127. su službeno priznati od Pape.

Hugo de Payens, osnivač i prvi Veliki meštar Templarskog reda

Red se dijelio na vitezove, svećenike i ostale članove i ubrzo je postao vrlo brojan kršćanski red. Imali su svoje farme, manufakture i ubrzo su postali "svijet u malom". Vlastela i plemići su ih obasipali bogatstvom, a hodočasnici u Jeruzalem u strahu za svoj novac su im povjeravali nošenje svoje imovine i davali naknadu, pa su tako Templari praktički postali prvi bankari.

Pečat vitezova Templara

Red Templara je bio savršeno organiziran pa su se npr. za borbeni red obučavali od malena i po navodima današnjih vojnih stratega bili su savršeni ratnici sa izvrsnom vojnom obukom i strategijama. Oni su, na primjer, u svakom svom uporištu gradili tunele za strateška uzmicanja i svaki njihov posjed je morao imat 3 plana za povlačenje vojske i ljudstva u slučaju potrebe. Upravo to je spasilo velik broj vitezova od najpokvarenijeg sporazuma u povijesti - sporazuma između francuskog kralja Filipa Lijepog i Pape Klementa koji su kao što je napisano u mom predhodnom članku, na petak 13. listopada 1307. dali uhititi sve pripadnike Templarskog reda i nakon dugotrajnih mučenja spalili na lomači sve preživjele.

Paljenje Templara na lomači

Po nekim predajama sa lomače je posljednji Veliki meštar Templarskog reda Jacques de Molay prokleo kralja Filipa Lijepog i Papu Klementa V koji su nedugo zatim i umrli.

Zadnji veliki meštar Templara - Jacques de Molay

O Vitezovima Templarima se može pisati puno i opsežno, pa tako i o Templarima u Hrvatskoj, Novom Templarskom redu, aliiiiiiii to je neka druga priča za neki novi članak, ako će Vas zanimati.

Hvala na čitanju i komentarima (trebam 25 za misiju 3x25).
Vaš Ludimir

Lektorirala, na engleski prevela i grafički obradila Rabbit of Caerbannog

Rabbit of Caerbannog 🇭🇷 🇹🇷, [17.05.20 18:21]
🇬🇧 EN version 🇬🇧


Not unto us, O Lord,
Not unto us,
But to thy name give the glory

This is the motto of the Order of the Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon, better known as the Knights Templar.

The Templars are the 1st world order of knight priests - warriors in history. They pledged obedience, poverty and virtue, as well as the fight against Muslim soldiers.
The Order was founded after the First Crusade in 1118. with the official mission of escorting pilgrims to the Holy Land of Jerusalem, and their real purpose and mission was to search for the Holy Grail, the Ark of the Covenant and the relics kept at the court of King Solomon. The order was founded by the nobleman Hugo de Payens, and in 1127 they were officially recognized by the Pope.

Hugo de Payens, founder and first Grand Master of the Templar Order

The order was divided into knights, priests and other members and soon became a very numerous Christian order. They had their own farms, manufactories and soon became a “world in miniature”. Nobles ‘showered’ them with wealth, and pilgrims to Jerusalem fearing for their money, entrusted them with carrying their property and gave them compensation, so that the Templars practically became the first bankers[/ b].

A Seal of the Knights Templar

The Order of the Templars was perfectly organized, so, for example, they were trained for the battle orders from an early age and, according to today's military strategists, they were perfect warriors with excellent military training and strategies. They, for example, built tunnels for strategic retreats in each of their strongholds and each of their possessions had to have 3 plans to withdraw the army and manpower in case of need. It was this that saved many knights from the most corrupt agreement in history - the agreement between King Philip the Handsome and Pope Clement of France, who, as written in my previous article, had all members of the Templar Order arrested on Friday, October 13th of 1307., and after prolonged torture burned all survivors at the stake.

Templars being burned at the stake

According to some legends, the last Grand Master of the Templar Order, Jacques de Molay, cursed King Philip the Handsome and Pope Clement V while burning on the stake, and they both died shortly afterwards.

The last Grand Master of the Templars - Jacques de Molay

One could write a lot and extensively about the Knights Templar, including the Templars in Croatia, the New Order of the Templars, but this is a different story for a new article, if you will be interested.

Thank you for reading and commenting (I need 25 for the 3x25 mission).
Yours, Ludimir

Proofread, translated into English and graphically edited by Rabbit of Caerbannog