no 22. Q6 Tanks for eneryone[B/H/S]&[ENG]

Day 1,495, 12:07 Published in Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina by Osvetnik21


Prica ide ovako:

Dajem 5 Q6 wep. za novu godinu svima, sve sto morate odraditi je:

1.Vote(Napisu broj Vote u komentaru)
2.SUBSCRIBE (Napisu Broj Sub. u komentaru)
3.SHOUT Clanak

Oni koji shutaju:
-2 puta dobit ce 7 Q6
-3 puta dobit ce 10 Q6
-4 puta dobit ce 15 Q6



I want to shear q6 thanks as a gift for Christmas.
All i need to do is:

Put the Number of Vote and Subscribe in the comment and u will get get 5 Q6 Tanks!
(For every single Shout you will get 2 q6 tank more)



Ehh,da...wep ce te dobiti kad ovi igraci posalju svima koji su se javili u komentaru:


You will get the Wep. When these players send Wep. to everyone who answered in the comments