News from UK

Day 3,932, 09:22 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jack Jockson

Good moaning, readers. This is the news from United Kingdom.

Some congressman in Norway has proposed UK as a natural enemy 3 minutes ago. Norwegians are planning something about something, but we don't know exactly what the details of their getting conquered plans are. When our journalists find more about the details, they will let you know more about their findings in the next article, so stay subscribed and read more about it in the next article.

News from UK.

President has formed a cabinet of suitably experienced people.

although they sum up to looking inexperienced, this is the group that overthrew the dictator, by making him promise he'd step down

2 days ago, a change of government has taken place in UK, after country went bankrupt and dictator has left the building.
President and congressmen flew into building, ready to correct dictators faulty laws and replace them with new laws.

a new style of governing is quite evident, the dictator's and president's styles are like day and night

There is nothing to worry about, if you're a citizen of UK. If you're a citizen of UK, here is Jockson, your congressman, to whom you can write a message if you need any new law to be proposed. In case dictator has messed up your factory or something. We pass any laws for any citizen, as long as the price of 10 g is met. Write to congressman Jockson for trade today.