News from the parliament

Day 831, 10:51 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jack Jockson

Hey, my voters. Jockson brings you the news from Parliament now.

First of all, I'd like to thank you all who voted for me. It was my pleasure.

Now Parliament is a nice building, but there isn't much work to do there. It took me 20 minutes to do the things this country needs to be done and that's that. A quick glance at a national treasury has told me that this country is not bringing in cash as fast as it could. This should be corrected in some future I suppose. As of now there is a substantial leak in the income tax revenues. The VAT... there is almost no income from VAT taxes. There is no known extra income through smart banking, bulk trades or stock exchange and briberies, so the treasury looks pretty bad.
There's absolutely no money for the hospitals. Almost no gold to declare wars. The population is shrinking. And about the impeachment against Prime Minister, that Jockson promised to his voters. Didn't have the majority on Congress for that, so it wouldn't pass.

So that's about news from Parliament. Things look bad but don't worry, we taken measures. Within a week all is going to be different.

This evening I go to Congress building again to see if any money turned out yet. Who knows, maybe we get to declare a war or two today. I'm going there and am bringing my newest plan with me. We are to stick our military heads together now to find us a passage to Eldorado, South America, and India. That's where the money is. And the country that is blocking our way there is Ireland.

Next article....


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