My First ARTicle? - WILDQUARK!

Day 1,907, 01:09 Published in India India by Wildy Quark
...Well not really 😛

I have written tons of articles and all controversial ones. Well except maybe for the Daily Quiz and fun articles. Oh wait a couple of those also managed to create controversy lol. Although inadvertent, I am a controversy-magnet for some weird reason.

It must be the odd configuration of stars in the cloudless night sky. Well since I don’t subscribe to superstitious writings on the wall, let me pin in down to my loquaciousness (Big Word? Get used to it 😛) and weirdo writing, the whiff of which I’m sure you are getting as you are reading THis...

For those of you, who don’t know me, I am Wild Quark (in case you didn’t get the hint already from my oh so clandestine comeback name hehe)
I chose the name Wildy Quark because most of you call me Wildy with love , so I had to exactly waste 10000 neurons in coming up with that genius of a new name.

So, I had rage-quit, the specifics of which I still wouldn’t want to get into because it is still unsavory to my chaste palette and the way I would deal with most things of such sort is that I just ignore…

I know some of you HATE to see me come back, I’m sorry for that … NOT! Mehehehe \ 🙂 /

Why I chose to come back is that I have been unfair to leave behind all my friends in the cross fire and decided to move away from everything and block everybody. I am really sorry for that.

But I needed some detox time and I hope you will all understand. It was extremely nice of you to send me messages and contact requests. I am truly humbled and I value friendship.

And Gawdamn Shockwavve, HSR and Dinesh are petulantly relentless! When one of you quit, I will hunt you down with a cross bow and a paring knife.

I missed you all

Current activity:

I just love, love, luff the activity baby boom has brought in. To see so much new blood makes me happy :') I am always for NOOB POWER! And what’s more, I am a literally a newbie too. So glad to be among the D1 fellow gamers. D1 is always the best because somehow I believe you get corrupted as you go up the D-ladder lol.

It is my philosophy that power should be distributed and everyone, EVERYONE is entitled to KNOW and PARTICIPATE in the affairs of the nation. Nobody should be kept in the dark since we belong to a TEAM.

So newbies take active part and take what is rightfully yours! Start with demanding information! 😛 Ask, Question and get Involved! That way, you won’t be a herd of sheep being led by the wolf to the slaughterhouse. (Yeah abattoir not some laughter house, although some of their policies are full of extreme hilarity)

Also Great job Ashwamedh, I know how MUCH WORK you have done for getting BB. Hope you are getting thanked. The ones that don’t deliberately recognize it; to them I say, FU! (lol here comes out my claws 😛) I congratulate you and your team for the positive and productive progress. I will be more than glad to help you out and share some of the donkey work.
Ok as usual TL😉R mess :/ , what you can expect from my paper:

1. FUN! \ 🙂 / - Will come up with contests, articles and mad hatter chatter

2. SECRETS– Oh yes, I will try to give you as much inside information as possible. Sources Get Active!

CREATIVE WRITING – I have read some brilliant pieces of work by Ashwamedh, Maverick etc. So I will possibly get myself to write stories, blurbs etc

4. Tips, Guides and Information – I shall help especially the new players with tips, strategies etc on playing the game. I have some weird and unconventional strategies too that I would be happy to share.

So just ask me, if you need any help or want me to do a feature on any particular area that you wish to know more about.

5. THE UNEXPECTED – This category I don’t even know myself. I am good at it though that much I can assure you lol
About Skype:

Many of you asked me about bringing our infamous skype group back to life. I will have to think about it.

I am a bit pressed for time, and I need Sam (Uv AjeD) (who is a bit disheartened the way he was treated after all that effort he put in) to help me out with skype group and the possible radio show.

Let us maybe have a stipulated schedule like for about 30 min etc where we can connect. That way, it won’t kill the IRC and I will not be a raving insomniac.

I shall try my hardest to goad Sam to join us back. Spamnomix come back 😛
Anyway, keep your eyes peeled for my next article. And Oh! Important thing!
I need alms! I am a broke mendicant, so help me get back on my wonky feet.

Yours broke & back on track,
(no reference to broke back mountain, I’m a girl)

Wildy Quark [Nikki]

PS :

All my friends, old ones and new ADD ME! I had 400+ friends now I have less than 10!

Also vote, support and subscribe!