My congress candidature

Day 1,675, 08:44 Published in New Zealand Ireland by gsfdgfs

If allowed by my party I will run for congress in canterbury and would be very grateful for any votes I get I will background check all alliance proposals and donations although most proposalsa are pretty routine

My policies are
New zealand first (making sure new zealand has at least one region before fighting abroad
lower import tax to get foreign products on the market (eg a pole sells here a serb buys from here because its cheap we get money) and to stop this harming kii production I would implement a price gurantee system so everyone has a stable income

Foreign affairs
Posiible peace with argentina what they did canb be forgiven (where on one side there on the other its fair enough if they attack us)
But not australia there cannot be peace before theyve been taught a lesson wipe them of the map and stop congress for 1 month to show our power then return all regions but tasmania to show we are forgiving

Thanks for reading A vote for gfsdgfs isnt wasted please help me get on the first step of the ladder