Mr. Hyphenated Runs for Re-Election in Indiana!

Day 854, 13:00 Published in USA USA by Mr. Hyphenated
Mr. Hyphenated Runs for Re-Election in Indiana!

I contemplated re-using my previous campaign platform, but quite frankly, the events of the 27th Congress have proven to me that the old way of doing things wont suffice. So let’s start with a new page.

What I’ve Done In Congress:

Having served Indiana the last two terms in Congress, I feel like I’m finally gaining the knowledge and insight needed to be an effective Congressman. Among my accomplishments:

-I’ve served on both the Citizen Affairs Subcomittee and more recently on the Foreign Relations Subcommittee. I also have served as an active member of the Immigration Enforcement Subcommittee as a Tier One Congressman. In such a role, I help screen citizenship applications for potential PTOers and other foreign threats. In short, I am one of the many Congressmen whose work was insulted with the recent ‘lulz’ citizenship approvals.

-This term, I chaired the International/External Committee, one of the three chairmanships. In short, I helped lead Congress.

-I’ve proposed two pieces of legislation. The first was The Congressional Scrupulous Proceedings And Networking (C-SPAN) Act. The details of the proposal called for the appointment of two sergeant-at-arms to help moderate the #eus-Congress chatroom on IRC. In addition, non-government officials would not have voice, and the room would be moderated as a rule of thumb. All Congressmen except the Speaker of the House, Deputy Speaker of the House, Whip, and Seargents-at-Arms would only have voice, nothing more. It failed to pass, 6 Yeses to 17 Nos with 3 Abstains.

-The second piece of legislation is The Appointment of A Director of Immigration Enforcement. Since Max McFarland and AstraKatG both stepped down as the Chairman of Immigration Enforcement Subcommittee and the Chief of Staff for the IES respectively, there has been a leadership vaccum. Both performed excellently in their duties, but because Max McFarland 2 is no longer in Congress, they are unable to continue in their position under the current rules. This bill calls for the appointment of a Director of IES rather than a Chairman. This will allow Max McFarland 2 and Astra Kat G to continue in their vital role as screeners of citizenship applications.

-I’ve also recorded my vote on every vote we’ve held. This may not seem like much, but it is an important function that many Congressmen neglect.

-I’m flattered to say that I received a 4.00/5.00 rating by my fellow peers in Congress with no score lower than a 3.00. I’m one of just three Congressmen to do so. The average was 3.15. The public rated me as a 3.9/5.00 which is also flattering. In short, most people approve of what I do in Congress. I'd also like to thank you all for doing so.

What I Plan To Do:

-If selected, I would be happy to again chair the International/External Committee and provide my experience to help lead the Committee. This will be particularly important as the IEC contains the Foreign Relations Advisory Committee. FRAC, as it’s called, will play a key role in discussing the fate of the United States as a member of EDEN. For what it’s worth, I would like to see EDEN give one more try at reforming itself before we decide to leave it. Also, it is paramount that we find a sufficient replacement. I love our bros in the Brolliance, but we need a larger group of them if we are to achieve any of our foreign policy goals.

-Record my vote on every piece of legislation. It’s just that simple.

-Similarly, I promise to vote on every piece of legislation. Too many times in the recent past have votes failed to reach quorum due to inactivity. This is unacceptable.

-Return to the IES Tier One and help screen citizenship applications. It’s a thankless job, but it’s crucial to our growth and security as a nation.

-Obviously, I support the Fortress Strategy. I also support the initiatives that the Department of Interior and the Department of Treasury have been doing. They’re doing so well, in fact, that I would recommend letting them go unmolested. They’re welcome to come to us for support, of course.

-I will continue to consult the Joint Chiefs of Staff during discussions in the Military Subcommittee (which is in the IEC).

I know this isn’t the prettiest platform with lots of pictures, but think of it as a stripped down version. I’ve taken out all the fluff here and I’m talking to my fellow citizens on a person-to-person basis. No B.S., no roleplaying. It’s just an honest assement of where I’ve been and where I’m going.