Maine Senator's Daily Voting Report

Day 596, 13:23 Published in USA USA by seeker1

Day 595

7/7/2008: Greece MPP Yes eUS military helped liberate Greece. Greece has a high iron region.

7/7/2009: Issue 200000 USD for 1000 GOLD Yes Routine money management measure.

7/7/2009: Keep 50,000 USD reserve at Fort Knox Federal reserve. Yes Needed to maintain value of dollar at 1 Gold=.02 USD. This is necessary in case the Congressional Budget Office cannot be accessed. Normally the CBO issues USD to maintain this value.

I also presented my suggetions for a decrease in Congressional secrecy to the Government Oversight Committee for discussion. Since the Committee operates secretly, I am not at liberty to describe the discussion. I can say that I was encouraged by the initial responses to my ideas. With some compromise, we may see at least a noticable reduction in secrecy.

I'll keep you informed of the progress of this matter as it moves through Congress.