Madelina's Manifesto - Part II

Day 2,420, 09:15 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Madelina de Melrose

Having noted that our current PP changed the logo so his vengeful vendetta villians could yet again interfere with an established party that routinely kicked their, er, tails in elections, I promise that if elected, my first action will be to restore our logo... if I can find a copy and if someone talks me through how to do it! Yes, I'm not really good at doing stuff like that. Don't forget that when I first learned a bit of programming (Fortran II), computers were the size of rooms and had the same processing power as today's toaster. My first computer was a TRS-80, 16k, black-and-white and run off a cassette tape recorder (check google or antiques roadshow if you don't know what those were!).

So what really will be my first action will be to appoint an IT director, someone who knows how to insert pictures and link pages and all that sort of stuff... job description includes tarting up messages and teaching this old girl how to do it herself.

We'll also need someone who will do outreach/recruitment. Our party has a number of active members and most likely, a large number of inactives. We need everyone to be active and vigilant against the antics of certain people who only want to spoil what is good.

We need someone to rally the party membership, to keep them enthused and active.

I'll also need an advisory panel - people with expertise in eUK politics, foreign relations, economics, that sort of thing.

As I stated in my manifesto, I see the role as coordinating and representing your views to higher levels of government. It's not a dictatorship nor a springboard for oversized egos. It's an essential job helping ensure our party members have a major voice in the affairs of the eUK.

If you're interested in any of the jobs above, or in becoming a member of congress, message me personally with your experience (here, in other games or in RL) and why you think you'd be good. And a promise to actually do the job, not just take the title....