Legile eRepublik

Day 4,102, 07:01 Published in Romania Hungary by Hunkakaricum

Congratulations! You were ranked #1 in last week's Weekly Challenge, and you have to pay 1000 Gold as penalty!

1 Legile eRepublik
2 Penalizări
2.1 Conţinut generat de un jucător
2.2 Utilizarea exploit-urilor
2.3 Utilizarea de conturi multiple
3 Forumul şi Wiki
4 Citiți de asemenea și eRepublik Laws

Este interzis orice conţinut (articol, comentariu, shout, mesaj privat, imagine etc.) cu caracter vulgar, pornografic, insultător, instigator, spam şi/sau publicitate externă generat de un jucător.
Este interzisă utilizarea unui exploit al sistemului.
Crearea sau administrarea mai multor conturi este interzisă.

eRepublik Laws: Citizen Laws

All citizens are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
Every citizen has the right to work and to receive a payment in exchange for his/her work.
Every citizen has the right to choose if he/she will participate in a fight or not.
Every citizen has the right to choose the actions he/she wants to perform in the New World.
Freedom is one of the core values of the New World and any oppression against an entity is prohibited.
Racism, extremism, trolling, flaming and pornography are prohibited.
Insults, direct or indirect accusations of disrespecting the eRepublik Laws on an entity or group of entities are disallowed.
The right to freedom of speech and expression is closely related to other rights, and may be limited when conflicting with them.
Vulgarities, insults, spam, or advertising for external products or services are prohibited.
Quotation of private discussion without the consent of those parties involved is disallowed.
Morality and fairness are to be promoted through all your citizen actions.
Properties obtained by a citizen through an illegal or unjust method will be impounded.
Making sure that properties obtained have a legal and just provenience is your sole responsibility.
A real user is allowed to express his/her will upon only one citizen.
Creating or just administrating multiple citizen accounts is prohibited. Real users sharing the same IP are not considered multiple citizen accounts.
Using an unlawful or inappropriate avatar or citizen name is disallowed.
Each player is required to immediately report through the official channel any system exploits or critical errors they find.
The use of a system exploit is prohibited. Any act which gives you an undeserved advantage against other entities is also prohibited.
The use of a script, tool or software (that does not use the publicly available eAPIs or feeds developed by the eRepublik team) which will directly affect your citizen and is designed to perform a certain action(s) that may or may not give you an unfair advantage is disallowed.
The channel for contacting the eRepublik Team is the official contact form.
Messages sent to the eRepublik Team via a channel other than the official one may be disregarded.
Public debates are encouraged in the New World, however complaints regarding the eRepublik team's decisions are disallowed.
All the previous laws are also applicable to other not specified user generated content types.
For breaking the law, a temporary or permanent block will be applied for the eRepublik Wiki or Forum account and a penalty can be applied to the citizen account as well.
Every penalty applied to your citizen account will be associated with forfeit points (FP).
For every disrespect of the law, a warning (0,5 FP), a temporary suspension (FP equal to the number of suspension days) or a permanent suspension will be applied to your citizen account, taking into consideration the severity and the frequency.
A permanent suspension will also be applied if a total of five or more forfeit points are received.
Forfeit points associated with a penalty are removed two months after the penalty was applied.
You must be over 14 years old in order to use eRepublik.
We reserve the right to close any citizen account that proves to be created or administrated by a person under the age of 14.

Always read the fine print, amigo.