Knock Knock. Who's There? Guerrilla!!!

Day 3,627, 06:12 Published in USA USA by TheOnlineGamer

(lame joke alert)
Guerilla who? Guerilla me a hamburger please because I just won my first Guerilla match!!!

So having just started this game, I've had so much fun logging constantly thru out my days that I've lost track of what day I'm on, hence I didn't title this article DAY-##. But I thought it would be cool to share my guerrilla battles with you, which were a lot of fun.

So I always saw this button available but when I clicked on it, it just shook like a crazy shake weight and did nothing. But one day, the click lead to something and there I was, face to face with a guy who's win rate/loss rate were HUGE. So looking at my screen, and cant help thinking this looks like a good ole fashion western shootout, I take my first action and BOOM my screen turns red, after the game informs me that I missed. I noticed I have a handgun, with a tiny hit percent. So I take my next turns moving to pointblank range in hopes to score some hits. I finally got close and lay down a few hits of my own, only to find I have to reload. Twenty turns end and while I did not die, I did not win. So ended my first Guerrilla warfare 0-1.

My second match I knew the mechanics and went straight for the rush to handgun range and while I put up a good fight, it still resulted in me being 0-2. After the match I found the inventory and bought every piece of equipment I could find. Eager to get back out there for round 3, all that greeted me was the same old shake weight green icon.

Finally, I had found a guerrilla match, as I head into it I cant help but wonder what this does as far as impacts the game/battle. Yeah it was fun, but actually understanding its purpose still escapes me to this day. (comment below to give me some tips/understanding of the actual purpose) So despite buying my gear, I start the game with my handgun that has failed me twice. So I spend my first turn swapping weapons so I can shoot this guy from afar, and what do you know, I go from a small percent hit chance to a huge percent hit chance. Starting already down in points because of the swap I spend most of my turns shooting, with one tricky dodge in there and I slowly begin to improve my score and catch my opponent. With a couple turns left I land a shot and my opponent misses, giving me a couple point lead. With no funny business in the final rounds I retain my lead and achieve my first victory!!!!

As with any game, I find the funnest part is starting something and getting slaughtered only to build up your character and overcome the once difficult challenge. Even though I started gaming on Atari, most of those games were high score only. It wasn't until I bought my NES and played games like Zelda, Dragon Warrior, Willow did I really start to understand and enjoy the grind and seeing your character grow and get stronger and stronger.

I'd love to hear from you in the comment section, tell me your first gaming system and which games were iconic for you. Until next time!!!!