Karacticus: The Manifesto 2: The Return to Congress

Day 641, 03:08 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Karacticus

oday I stand before you Wales asking for another term in office. Within the next few paragraphs I’d like to tell you why I’m still the right man for the job.

What has happened so far?

One of my main aims as a member of congress was to create an active regional forum in Wales. With the help of my fellow TUP party member and Congressman Robert W,Maddog Jones and Silent_Hero we have begun to lay the foundations for an exciting and friendly regional forum.

I have been working within the MoHa as an apprentice. To date I have help set up and run the Newbie Word Quest and at present I have been running the MoHa Caption Competition.

What is Next?

That’s a hard one to answer. I’d like to start a buddy scheme in Wales. Any new welsh citizens will be given a buddy to help them learn the ropes within eRep. It’s simple really.

I’d also like to start offering welcome packs to new members of the eWales regional forum.

I’d also like more of a dialogue with Wales. That means I want you to tell me what you want. Send me a message, add a comment and let’s see what we can do.

I don’t have the answers to every problem. I just want the people of Wales to have an enjoyable and fun eRep experience.

So on the 25th of this month please vote for Karacticus and The Unity Party.

Karacticus and The Unity Party. Working for Wales.