Join #eskorea - The new official chat-room of South Korea

Day 1,193, 01:01 Published in South Korea Romania by Clopoyaur
Join #eskorea now!

In the last months there were a lot of chat channels declared as official for our small country, many of them organized by different people and group of interests. Because many of them were based on hate or exclusive friendship, it was about time to have one opened for all.

This is why, I invite all the people in South Korea and from all over the world to join our new chat without the fear of being kicked just because is not liked or agreed by administrators. This is an invite to a free for all enjoyable stay and discussion about the matters of the country or the surrounding area.

Join #eskorea now!

Say goodbye to:
01:53 *** WYDpwns joined #eSK
02:16 *** rythemdj joined #eSK
02:17 +++ ChanServ has given op to rythemdj
02:17 --- rythemdj has banned *!*@*.C442440B.666888C9.IP
02:17 *** Wandutza was kicked by rythemdj (Wandutza)
02:17 !!! You have been kicked from #eSK

Join #eskorea now!