Is the Grass really greener on the other side?

Day 1,959, 08:42 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Ethan William Woodhouse

Once again your favourite news anchor here! I'm Sir Ethan Woodhouse and welcome to the Gossiper News, UK aka The British Gossiper. Today I'm here with some news on politics; which brings us to my favourite segment: Let's Play Politics!

OK so the main topic in our Let's Play Politics segment is "Is the Grass really Greener on the other side?" Okay so everyone knows about the PTO of the former party UKPP right? Well now my question is: was it worth it?
Seriously was it worth it? TUP is now the number on national party which may or may not be a good thing. I am not in the party so I do not have an exact stand on whether or not them being number one is a good thing. But I do know this, New Era political party might be working with TUP to control(in a good way) the eUK. But there were some speculates that New Era wanted the eUK off the map. I can assure you that those accusations are hereby erroneous. As a New Era Congress I have access to debates and discussion about the future of the eUK. We want to expand the eUK not take control and wipe it off the map- that would be very very VERY stupid.

Now without the UKPP party what will the future have in store for the eUK. Well although I don't know the future, I know it could go one of 3 ways.
One: TUP and New Era could fight over control and their blind- sidedness could plunge us into a deficit or even worse- it could allow us to be taken over by another country and then we wouldn't be able to "rule the waves"...
And Two: The two parties could work together and share control over the eUK, help us expand and make us the eworld power we want to be.
Or 3: The two parties could have a lack of communication putting us at a political stand still, creating red tape and making us similar to the US today, because we wouldn't be able to get anything done.

Well whatever the universe has ins tore for us let's hope it's good. I will have a follow up story when I get more info on how the two parties decide to work things out.
Well until further RULE BRITANNIA!