Interview with the Interviewer

Day 1,484, 06:39 Published in USA USA by XxBusinessMogulexX

Hello and welcome to another edition of B.M. Entertainment. First you are probably confused by the title right? But no worries i will explain you everything. I bet you must have heard of portcolumbus and he runs a great newspaper called "Meet the Press" which you must check out. Now if you checked out his newspaper you must have seen the many interviews with many famous faces. So that is why i decided to make an interview with the interviewer. 😃


Page 1: Interview with the interviewer

Page 2: Extras

Interview with the interviewer

Here's the interview with portcolumbus. Enjoy!

1. First, When did you joined this game, how did you find it, and how long do you play it actively?

I was told by a friend who no longer plays, and I have played at uber-active levels for the past six months now.

2. When did you joined the USWP and have you been a member of any other parties beside the USWP?

I am yet to be a member of any other party, and I joined them once I turned whatever level it is you can join parties.

3. Have you ever been a citizen in some other country besides the eUS?

Not at all, I have always been a proud, hard-working American citizen.

4. How did you get involved into politics?

I guess after the invasions back in June I felt I could do more for my country, and I earnestly set out to do so.

5. How did you come up with the idea of interviewing, since your newspaper Meet the Press contains a lot of interviews?

I saw other papers doing it, and decided to see how it would go. I guess the rest is history.

6. Now you are the eUS ambassador to eRussia, so how's that going?

It's doing great. I'm updating the reports when I'm able, trying to make connections in another country, and of course, serve the government where able.

7. What is your attitude about the taxes?

I feel that as we finish recovery from these invasions, we should begin to lower them to somewhere around 12-18% as long as that will fund the government. (Income Taxes).

8. Do you plan to run for POTUS someday?

Quite possibly, but it would have to be during a summer month when school is out and my time isn't so hard-pressed to find.

9. What are your plans, hopes and ambitions for the future?

I'm running for Congress this month, fighting in battles daily, and hoping to continue doing both for the foreseeable future.

10. How do you think our nation is doing overwall, and what is your opinion about our current president - Oblige?

I think that we are gaining major ground and should be able to finish getting the regions back by the end of this Presidential term. In regards to Oblige, I feel he brings decent experience to the table and I see nothing but the best for his term this month.

11. Do you have something to add or do you have something to say to me or the readers of B.M. Entertainment?

I would say to you that you should never forget where you're from, and remember, persistence will help with getting where you wanna be. I lost in three Congressional elections, and on the 4th I got in. You just have to be as persistent as possible.

That was all from the interview. This is my first interview so don't laugh at me if something's wrong. Now enjoy yout eLifes and never forget where you're from and be persistant!And for the sake of this great interview vote this article...


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