Intelligent decisions

Day 805, 01:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by James Glover

The MoD orders are there for a reason, they are there to effectively use the damage from a country and insure that we can win battles. Our leaders will always have a plan please make sure that you follow orders so that we can WIN.
Today we lost to the US along with her allies, we lost Wales and the South West.
Scotland was successfully defended.

The Battles

They invaded Scotland and Wales - Battles to divert damage away from the main battles, Canada has NO allies vs all of ours, we were going to win. Wales won by 1.58 million. Scotland won by 436K. These are pointless battles so why did we win by so much. We could have successfully defended a region from the US if everyone had fought correctly and we had 1Million damage wasted.

They invaded Scotland and was there only goal, We successfully defended Scotland again this invasion and so they are still free. Official orders again were to fight in the US when the wall reached 500K, 500K was reached and many players were still fighting in Scotland. At the end of the battle the wall stood at 817K so that's 317K wasted that could have been used against the US.


The US invaded Wales and the South West. They gave Phoenix a good fight and won both regions, importantly this means that they can invade freely within the next 24 hours. The wall at the end of both battles stood at Wales -871K and -1.01Million. Importantly if we had fought correctly we could have done an extra (saying 500K is secured) 1.3Million damage to defend wales or the South West. This means that we would have successfully defended one region.

Finally - Fortress London
I must please beg every player now within the UK to move to London, if you message the BMA org to get your tickets to move, this is a tactical decision and we are not retreating, it is all strategy. London is the UK's most important region and we want to keep it. By moving players to London it raises the wall there and so it is more difficult to attack and more costly to attack.
We lost 300 citizens from Wales and 510 from the south West. I know that some of these are inactive but we need you all to move to London.

Thank you for reading
James Glover
North West Congressman - TUP