Ibnroshed for North Carolina

Day 1,130, 13:59 Published in USA USA by ibnroshed2

Hello all, my dear mates and citizens, my name is ibnroshed2 I am very glad to announce that I will represent the Federalist Party as a candidate for congress in North Carolina.
Before any specific talk I want to say a few general words , I promise that I will keep and protect our Traditions and Commitments in the federalist party through my term , if I win 😃 , which are simply a)Honor b) country comes first c) Feds are the most awesome ppl in the eWorld 😃 .
And now let's talk in some specific details, here are the main points I will focus on during my term in congress

Helping new citizens:
When I first joined the game - more than a year ago - I got a PM from Greene12 giving me some tips and offering his help in anything I want , and this was really great , I had many questions in my head and many things to ask about , he helped me a lot .New citizens are like baby birds who need some one to take care of them and help them to get strengthen and have some XP to stand the elife , and so I will do all my best to help them and to support any kind of official movement in the field of taking care of new ppl and our government's great programs to help new ppl.

Stop cheating:
As many of you have heard , some of our parties are getting PTOed and some of our allies too , many of you have seen ppl who got rich in no time , why is that ? it is simply cheating , some of the citizens create multi accounts which they benefit from there rewards and there ability to vote , of course the new system which the admins made is great but we need to make some movement here. I know that some of our secret programs work on that and some of our parties have there own secret programs for the same purposes , I promise that I will support those efforts and to try to unite them and find a way to make connection between those official and those partism so that we could unite against cheating.

And no let's have some questions
Who am I?
I am ibnroshed2 , level 21 , i was a congressman for 3 terms , I am a Lt in the MI , I have 3 companies running , I had many position within the party , I play this game daily for more than a year .
Why do you want to vote for me?
"I will do all my best to help new ppl and to support any kind of official movement in the field of taking care of new ppl and our government's great programs to help new ppl."
"I promise that I will support fighting cheating efforts and to try to unite them and find a way to make connection between those official and those partism so that we could unite against cheating."
"So I promise that I will try to give the same chance to every party."
