He killed them all...

Day 1,494, 17:37 Published in USA USA by XxBusinessMogulexX

I am writing for Jon Malcom's First Erepublik Fiction Writers Contest.

It was the day 1700 of the New World...Your first impression will be the cold, dark and abendon streets, no cars, no planes, no people, no wars. The last survivors were hidding in the dark basenments of their houses. The ones thet were left were mostly the people with the deepest pocket, the biggest limit on their credit card(or no limit) and the ones that understood the economy very well.

The President and his cabinet were the only one that weren't much affected by this apocalipse.
President Oblige(this term was his seventh)was drinking hot tea out of his presidential cup. He was thinking
about this cruel world and the cruel admins that caused this apocalipse.

100 days earlier
Admins implement a shocking new update, that even made Romper pee his pants... You have to pay gold each time you log on eRepublik... The price was 10 gold per hour. But there was one option which we can say that was good, the President and his cabinet could log on for 50% lower price. Which made things much easier for Oblige who was also the president at that time. He made sure that he could always be part of the POTUS cabinet, he bribed, blackmailed, beat, torture, killed people just to get to some position... A lot of the citizens which couldn't afford to buy gold went bankrupt, a lot of them rage-quitted ... The New World became abandoned, dark, cruel place in which everybody was fighting for their own existance...

Back to day 1700 of the New World
President Oblige got very scared since the most of the eUS population quitted and the Serbs were almost 3 times more then the eUS citizens. He made a very important decision, decided to settle the deal with the admins. He took the biggest rigs he could find and all the new technology(Q8 prototype tanks) that only the eUS had, encouraged the leftover population to join the revolution. The day 1705 was the D-day, the revolted people, the President himself and all the alies they could find arrived at Budapest. They received an internal info from their spies about the secret underground location of the eRep HQ. They made the final plan, strategy and decided to attack. They were outnumbered and overpowered but they were fighting bravely for their homeland and their dignity. After 15 minutes of battle, everybody heard a loud noise, the President was shot, in his left arm, a lot of people surrounded him and proposed retreat. But the President bravely sai😛 "This is just an arm, and our fight is much bigger then one arm, or one life". The people encouraged by this President's speech, gathered their forces and launched everything they had on the admins... There was blood and broken computers everywhere, the look was terrible... Oblige(all covered in blood) was holding a knife over one admin's head, and he sai😛 "Better fix this game or you are dead!" the admin was mortified, and he answere😛 "I will...just don't kill me...please don't kill me..." - begged the poor admin. After 2-3 hours of repairing the servers and the broken computers, the admins, defeated by the brave army of Oblige decided to remove this "thing" and everything was back to normal. Oblige, proud on himself decided to start a new, improved world in which everybody(except Serbia, Poland, Spain etc.)will live in piece and harmony.

Day 1750 of the New World
Your first impression of eRepublik probably won't gonna be so terrble, actually it could be said that it was beautiful, everybody was friend with everybody, there wasn't any trolls(Oblige killed them all), basically everybody loved everybody. Oblige, which was retired, sat in his garden, watching the roses and thinking about all the things he achieved... His granddaughter approached him and aske😛 "Grandpa, what are you doing?" , Oblige answere😛"I'm thinking about this beautiful roses, you know if it wasn't me probably these roses wouldn't exist.", the confused kid asked again "What did you did grandpa?", Oblige answere😛 "Let me tell you a story..."

I'm sorry if there were some grammatical/spelling mistakes.

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