Guild of Writers

Day 4,791, 21:19 Published in USA USA by Gnilraps

Today I’d like to encourage a few of you to step out of your comfort zone.

Try publishing a newspaper.

I have long been convinced that as long as the media module continues to exist in some form, eRepublik will remain worth your time. Furthermore, a robust news feed seems to fuel all kinds of activity in this game, and it reminds us all that clicking a fight button isn’t the only thing this game is about.

Today I’m asking each and every one of you to do exactly what I am doing: Hoist That Rag.

But I’m not just asking. I’m here to help.

At least four times in the decade-plus since I started playing, efforts have been made to start a “writer’s guild”. I tried it once in the early days of 16 Shells with some small success. The Socialist Freedom Party tried it and had far greater success. I was part of an international writer’s guild, but I don’t recall who organized it, and I recall one other effort at some point which I don’t think ever amounted to much. Whatever. My point is, what I want to do has been done before with mixed results.

This won’t work without you. Some of you readers already have a newspaper and are somewhat active in publishing. Kudos, and thank you. Your contribution to this game I love is important, and even when I don’t like what you write, I still like that you write, so keep it up.

But some of you readers either haven’t published anything in many months/years or perhaps have never published a single article in eRepublik. We’re about to change all of that.

Because you are all invited to participate in the brand new Guild of Writers.

The purpose of the Guild of Writers is to foster more newspaper media in eUSA.

There will be no editorial limitations for Guild of Writers members other than those imposed by Plato himself. The Guild is open to all, regardless of party or military unit affiliation.

The Guild will work together to help new publishers establish a newspaper brand and a graphics set if desired. Established publishers who wish to rebrand will be given the same assistance.

Guild writers will be invited to collaborate on occasional projects, participate for occasional prizes, and have fun together.

The Guild will not take itself too seriously. However, we do seriously expect some good results.

And Guild writers will be asked to include our little logo somewhere in their newspaper articles as an identifying marker for all to see.

Are you interested? Just let me know and we’ll begin.

Are you still not sure? Just let me make this one final pitch…

Publishing a newspaper in eRepublik is the highlight of the game for me, and I’ve done just about everything. It does take a lot more effort than, say, fighting. But the rewards are far greater than those earned on the battlefields. The greatest advantages the media module has over the military module is that there are no timers, no competitions for medals, no boosters, no packs to buy, no strength training, and no expenses. Like the political module, the media module is completely free to play.

With an active newspaper, you will begin to interact with new people from all over the real-life world, some of whom may become good friends. With an active newspaper, you may begin to hone your own skills as a writer, improving yourself in real life in the process. Your newspaper may motivate you to become more deeply involved in your party or military unit, and it may even help land you in congress or the executive cabinet.

Without publishing a newspaper, you are not enjoying all that eRepublik has to offer as a social browser game. That, of course, might be your intentional choice, but I'd love to encourage each and every citizen to give publishing a try.

So let the Guild of Writers spur you on to publish. I commit myself to help, and I believe that by the time this article falls off the Top Articles list, there will be a few more established publishers offering their skills as well. Let’s do this.

Hoist That Rag.

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