Governments Should Serve, Not Dictate

Day 2,108, 09:45 Published in Cyprus Cyprus by pipo lolo

I know that some of you think of me as untrastworthy player. Cant blame you. I play this game for 3 years now and during periods of that time i excisteed in this game just to provoke other players and have a laugh about it. Truth is that i still do it sometimes, but what follows is not such a case.

After more than 4 months of occupation and 2 months of negotiations, current e-Greek government will pass a law to NE e-Cyprus.

This is a fact and none can do shit to change it.

But people can.

What i am asking targets mainly e-Greeks, but any citizen living in an allied country to e-Greece can help too.

We dont ask of you to fight AGAINST your countries MoD orders, we ask of you NOT to fight against Cyprus.

If you think that our stragle, any small e-countries strugle, to be free is righteous..... dont fight for us if you choose, but please dont fight against us.

If governments dont give us a chance to be free, you, the peοple can do that.