Going Greek!

Day 1,825, 11:26 Published in USA USA by BritSeelowe

Who doesn't want to go to Greece? Lovely beaches, fabulous food, cabana boys. Plus, Greece had really been without bloodshed in a while. Nice place for a vacation! Plus, I might run into my congressman crush there. Sweet!

But then, this week, eBulgaria and the eRepublic of Macedonia (FYROM) both attack eGreece at the same time! Right before the holiday travel season to boot! Coincidence? I don't know. I'm not a political genius, I am simply a star-spangled soldier girl, so the girls and I boarded the plane when we saw the Daily Orders to help eGreece.

People can say what they want, but we gals are formidable! Men go to war and shoot each other, but girls look at all of the possibilities! Had the Persian army come up against the women of Sparta, those women would have found a way to cook up elephants, poisoned the Persian troops during the feast of elephant, and used the Persian's flashy clothing to make drapes and decorate. Plus, there was all that gold the Persians had on them! Can you say shopping and make-over? But King Leonidas left the gals at home, and the rest is history.

Fortunately in eRepublik, the benefits of having the girls fight are more recognized. Upon arriving in eGreece, we met the gals in eGreek uniforms. These were an awesome group, and we learned much from them. First, they taught us how to take care of our skin in the eGreece sun. Secondly, they taught us how to better belt our uniforms to enhance our shape while maintaining comfort. Very important!

Proudly, we marched toward the beach with our new sisters in battle. The fighting was intense and lasted most of the night! But come morning, we liberated the beach that eBulgaria was attempting to spoil and claim for themselves. It was then that our eGreek sisters gave us the best advice toward the biggest danger in eGreece: The eGreek kamaki.

These creatures were crawling all over the newly freed beach. Pretty eyes, smooth-talking! Everything our mothers warned us about. Had our Greek comrades not warned us, there might have been a casualty or two. So, Nikolaos, we do not wish to join you to your cousin's taverna even though it has the best retsina and ouso in town. Nor do we wish to go on your uncle's boat. We are wise to the rise in your levis!

Now, if the right Greek boy comes along. Someone like this one that we saw right after the battle was over:

Yes. He may not have the eyes like the other one, but sometimes it is the intentions and attitude. You gals know what I mean.

In the meantime, we are waiting for more orders to help our new friends because:


~BritSee and EZC gals on the eGreece Beach!