Future Alliance - Thailand

Day 1,805, 13:18 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jimbobfrey

Hungary, Indonesia, Poland, Republic of Macedonia, Serbia, Spain, Slovenia, Chile and Mexico.

What do all of the countries have in common?

Answer: They all have an alliance with the United Kingdom. They also all share an alliance with Thailand.

They're similar to us...

That’s right. Thailand shares 9 of the eUK’s allies and they get involved in many of the military campaigns that we take part in. It would make sense that, since we already fight for the same causes, Thailand and the UK should form an alliance to formally cement their friendship.

Perhaps there is a reason for this but I'm a new player and have not seen any past clashes with Thailand.

The Thai people are very similar to us, as you can see.

Could it be worth considering?

An alliance with Thailand could be useful for the UK – another 300 or so citizens would fight alongside the UK. Could be helpful.

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