FST Welcome Message

Day 1,420, 09:06 Published in USA USA by Deriachai

Welcome to the FST Shadow Squad Militia

Orders are given by me or Joseph Dinero on the top of the MU page daily.
If either of us say a place to fight, that the current order until updated. If that battle has already closed fight in a USA battle, or hold your fire.

All FST Militia Members are expected to work in our commune for the betterment of the ENTIRE unit. In return for your daily work you will receive either 800 health/day or 40 weapon fights/day, $1 wage, and be available for Q5/Q6 weapons when available.

We also have a spreadsheet where all of the finances are listed, there is also a lot of other information here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArJZ2Ig-wATodFdEaTdiU1FhanEyYTNmSU80ZWpCaEE&hl=en_US&pli=1#gid=2

Here are the available jobs (just click the links and apply). If it isn’t available, go to the next job offer:

Work at FST Deer

Work at FST Deer II

Work at FST Food

Work at FST Food II

Work at FST Rubber

Work at FST Weapons
Also as a militia we have a forum board and a group frame for your avatar.

FST Forum: http://thebastardsofliberty.forumotion.com/

Avatar generator: http://fraternity.zxq.net/
(For the avatar you will need your background picture to be saved on your computer already. Also, you will you the rank of “private” for your avatar unless you are told otherwise. This has NOTHING to do with your in-game rank.)

Feel free to contact me or Joseph Dinero with any questions/concerns,

Deriachai - Commander of the FST (click here)

Joseph Dinero - 2nd Commander of the FST (click here)

Kodos - Captain of the FST (click here)