From the Pedestal: Choose Your CP Candidate Well

Day 2,572, 07:20 Published in Canada Canada by Alias Vision

At the time of my starting to write this article Dill holds a 2 vote lead over Punisher. Since I've been keeping track of the tally three hours ago, that lead has never extended beyond 3 voices and has been dead even more often than not.

To say that this is a tight election would be an understatement.

There are some things that I find very interesting about this particular race. One is that Dill has been one of the biggest issues and that is to be expected since he is on the ballot. DMV has been another of the big issues but he isn't on the ballot. Why?

Part of the answer is that we are dealing with big personalities and those take up a lot of real estate in our small community. The other is the way that individuals have chosen to do politics.

None of us are immune to messaging but we have a fair amount of experience with it and most of us are smart enough to guess the impacts of our words and actions when we put them forth.

Instead of going down that path and talking about negative messaging, I want to bring something else to the attention of everyone. Why do Canadian candidate's cabinets mostly contain the same players? Why do most serious, achieving Executives contain the names klop, Smoke, Xichael? It's not a coincidence.

For one thing, they are hard working (oh no, there is that word again!). They dedicated an inordinate amount of time so that we can, as a nation, have a chance at succeeding. They can be passionate about issues but none of them are dogmatic. They are trustworthy.

But what I want everyone to take away from all this is that those three citizens, as part of any cabinet but more importantly as regular members of the community, are bridge builders. Their one overarching principle is that they build and will sacrifice to do so.

So when you decide who to vote for, if you have not done so already, let consensus builders be your guide. Evaluate the cabinets of the people you will vote for looking for this quality. Then compare that with the leader and see if he complements them.

Hard working.
Consensus builders.

That's my formula when I choose. Happy electioneering.