Franz Kafka for President of Egypt

Day 1,626, 01:07 Published in Egypt Egypt by Franz Kafka

This month I run for President of Egypt. So let's start with my credentials. First of all in RL... I:
1. am NOT an Arab
2. am NOT Egyptian
3. am NOT Muslim
4. do speak some Arabic (I am learning)
5. know Egypt well, I have spent more than 5 weeks of the last 12 months in Egypt
6. live and work in the Middle East (Yemen) for the last two and half years

In the eWorld, I am:
1. Egyptian - I have been since the day the country was created
2. A true patriot to this country
3. Several times minister of Foreign Affairs, Finance, Business and Economics - to Presidents since the time of Heboo
4. Several times President of other countries (Czech Republic and Israel) before Egypt was added to eRepublik.
5. Experience in successfully fighting of PTOs in Egypt.

I can't win the easy political points with my RL nationality or religion, but I can promise you that I have the best experience out of all these candidates to deliver the best government for eEgypt.

It is not my habit to announce a cabinet before getting elected in, but I can tell you what the government will look like:

President - Oversight of Foreign and Defence policy.

Vice-President - Second place candidate in the election. Oversight of Social Development policy, with special focus on leading the babyboom. Under e-Republik laws, in the situation of impeachment, the second place candidate becomes President, so it makes sense to get them involved in government from the start, so that in this event we have more consistency in government.

Foreign Minister - Responsible for network of Ambassadors, and maintaining key relationships with Friends and Foe.

Defence Minister - Responsible for maintaining our defence readiness. Including network of battle tellers, relationships with MUs and strategic and operational collaboration with EPIC and ONE commands.

Social Development Minister - Responsible for citizen education, baby boom, and Information to citizens.

Finance and Economy Minister - Responsible for the Budget and the National Economic Plan. This minister will have primary responsibility for liaison with Congress to advise them on laws to donate funds to the National Bank and on taxation policy.

Each minister will be at liberty to determine the structure of their department and appoint deputy ministers other officials as they see fit. You will need to be realistic about your levels of activity. There should be a job for everyone at every level of activity, so please do message me if you want to get involved!

Foreign Policy
In my administration, the key relationships will be with:
Macedonia, Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Greece, Israel, Cyprus, Poland, Brazil. We will maintain channels of communication with TEDEN, and seek to closen our relationship and co-ordination with ONE and EPIC.

We should proactively seek ambassador exchange with all these countries.
Whilst we are moving closer to ONE, we should differentiate between countries in the region - Greece and Cyprus are our principle enemies. Israel and Turkey have largely sought to keep out of battles with us, and we should seek to strengthen our bilateral relationships with these two nations.

Defence Policy
Under Presidents Varlosh and Akhraziel we have moved closer to ONE and have formally signed up to EPIC. However the dividends of this alignment are yet to be fully realised because we do not have sustained effective battle co-ordination.

A key aim of this month with therefore be to get an Egyptian permanent place in ONE and EPIC command. So that we can properly co-ordinate our support for their key battles and better secure ONE and EPIC support for our own key battles.

Social Development Policy
There are a lot of good education articles that have been produced in Arabic and English. We should collect these, update them, and put them somewhere easily accessible to new citizens, with a link to this placed in the new-citizen message.

We need a babyboom. Some good ideas have been floating. We need to advertise, but beyond this we need to get other forms of publicity, and to promote on gamers sites, etc. We have a great opportunity - most Arab countries are not on eRepublik - so let's advertise for them to join eEgypt. I'm thinking here in particular of Tunisia, Morocco, Yemen, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Jordan, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Lebanon, Syria (for those outside with a net connection).

Finance and Economic Policy
We need a budget, we need to donate money to our national accounts to start investing in our development. We also need a National Economic Plan which defines our comparative advantage and advises our entrepreneurs accordingly.

Dealing with the PTO
This will require a multi-pronged approach. We know that the PTO has been led by multis (rather than genuine citizens), so it can be defeated.

Strand 1: Search and Destroy! Ahmed AE was particularly good at doing this the last time. Trawl through the citizen lists, identify multis and report them to the Admins. This is not easy, multi creators know the signs of multi creation and are getting ever better and hiding these...

Strand 2: Name and shame. Where we can identify who is responsible, make them feel shame for what they are doing, and encourage their friends to distance themselves from such disreputable action. PTO is a legitimate part of the eRepublik game - where it is implemented with co-ordination of real citizens - however the use of multis destroys this game and should not be tolerated by anyone.

Strand 3: Babyboom. Bring in new citizens. We know that new citizens will read articles, listen to political discussions and make informed votes. These people will instinctively help counter a PTO as PTO'ers using multis rarely bother to seek to appeal to any reason in their voter base.

Strand 4: Collaboration/coordination. This is the cornerstone of a good resistance to PTO of any kind. We need to overcome our political differences and come together for the good of the nation. Egyptians have done this before, and we can do this again!

Together we are stronger. Together we can make Egypt strong!