First day player = old player

Day 2,207, 13:19 Published in Australia Australia by J Seemore

A simple calculation.
Strength points from:
"Train for first time" = 5
Training grounds
I = 5
II = 2,5
III = 5
IV = 10
"Complete daily orders" = 1

There should be other strength points for joining the army, but I forgot how much they were. So far here we have our easy earned 28,5 points for the first day. Of cuorse, that is not enough to be an old player. If I am new player I can make at least 25 points more. How?

Every new level restores energy to the maximum. You can easily reach 19 or 20-th level, fighting without weapons. Plato gives 10 strength points for 100 prestige points and another 15 st.p. for 500 "prestiges"
= 25 st.p.

25+28,5 = 53,5 = old player + 10 st.p reward = 63,5

But as I said before "at least 25". What I mean?
Do you forgot about the 2 Bazookas for reaching 400 prestiges. Together with +50% Damage Booster this is equal to 90k damage. It is easy to get True Patriot medal.
This medal gives us 5 gold. We have around 16/17/18/19 gold from the levels and we can buy 2 gold from monetary market, because we are already "old". Right now with the gold we can upgrade two training gruonds.

Calculations END.

Now is an election day. It is a good day for multies. Thank you, Plato!