Fighting in a nut shell!!

Day 5,302, 12:53 Published in South Africa Belgium by hallo10

Hello, everybody.

Today’s article I am writing will pretty much be a guide to get you guys started with fighting in your battles and doing as much damage.

The two different battles.
In eRepublik we have two types of battles. We have air and ground battles. And I am pretty sure it is straightforward forward a ground battle is fighting on the ground and an air battle is fighting with planes.

With these two battles, you get two different types of players: a tanker (ground) and a pilot (air).

Note because this is a copy and paste it is out of date air is now a division and can be done in any battle.

Now there are different ways in each battle to become a good fighter let me explain.

An air battle happens every 4 rounds (now every round) in a battle. And there are no divisions it is a decision of its own(DIVS).

Air battles do not have strength like ground battles. So to become a good fighter you need to have a good energy pool and a good air rank to do well and to use weapons but they are expensive. The highest damage you will see in an air battle is 50k-100k but with the spring break we were hitting about 300k-1m

The ground battles are a little easier to do in the lower DIVS. There are many ways to be powerful.
The ways to deal more damage in training, ranking, energy, and weapons.

Training increases your strength. You train once a day but you can use multiple training grounds (TC TG) and these can be upgraded to give more strength. The max strength a player can get a day is 90 strength.

The ranking is almost like something to brag about even though you do get a little damage bonus with each rank. You get multiple ranks and each rank has stars like a world force****

You get 4 DIVS in the ground which are separated by the experience level of a player.
Air battle doesn’t have any DIVS it is considered its own divisions.
Each time you enter a new DIV your weapons of mass destruction deal more damage and you get more gold for Battle heroes (BH)

Regards hallo10