Fandango(flamenco) classes: Today El Cabrero

Day 1,788, 07:45 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alphabethis

As it's usual in this newspaper, we can provide with
the most unexpected pieces of news.
Today, fandango class under the great master "El Cabrero"
(The Goatherd), one of the best fandango singers.

This is the link:

and this is the much needed translation:
0:0 0:20 aaaaaaaaaa aaay
0:50 0.53 como buen republicano ( as a good republican ( leftist))
0:58 1:02 tengo las ideas claras ( I have set my mind (literally I have my ideas clear enough))
1:02 1:06 como buen republicano (as a good republican)
1:09 1:11 ya esta bien de tantas lacras ( It's enough of some pests)
1:13 1:16 que llevan miles de años ( that have been around thousands of years)
1:18 1:26 viviendo de otras espaldas ( living off someone's else work)
1:46 1:49 yo no soy el animal (I'm not the animal )
1:49 1:51 que se calla por un pienso ( that shuts up for a (animal) feed)
1:52 1:56 yo no soy ese animal ( I'm not that animal)
1:57 2:03 porque llevo en mis adentros una disconformidad ( because I have inside a disagreement)
2:04 2:09 que me sirve de alimento ( that I use as food)
2:38 2:41 hay en la mirada (there's in the glance)
2:42 2:48 al que es tonto tonto tonto ( whom is silly silly silly ...)
2:52 2:55 se le nota en la mirada ( you can tell by his glance)
2:56 3:02 y al falso con malo sangre ( and to the lier with bad blood)
3:02 3:06 no le acierta la jugada ( not even his bl***dy mother guess his trick(move))
3:08 3:19 ni su puñetera madre ( (see above line))

as you may have noticed the themes and lyrics are quite present.

Grande Cabrero!