eRepublik Cities Update! Have a Home Region! explanation

Day 3,468, 18:49 Published in Norway Norway by hans erik

Well i thought i'll try and write an article about this new update. So i'll just ramble on.

You can now be a resident in any region of Erepublik. (Maybe there is a reason i keep thinking "Resistant" )
You can live in any region in any country.

If you are a resident you will get 20% more durability of your houses, so that is quite useful and valuable. You have to pay a cost though when you become resident in a region, and seems you have to pay a tax of the Global market price for the house every time you activate one. (Erep does like to make things Complicated for people)

When you reside in a city you get +2 extra energy recovery and 50 extra energy pool just for residing in the city(from the central park),
and for every active house you get an extra +2, meaning you can get +12 extra energy recovery in total.
With a Q1 house active (that hopefully will still pay for itself, more on this later) you can get +4 energy recovery with this.

So from here you can see You get less durability, and have to pay more tax the bigger the city gets, so it makes the most sense to live where no one else lives (this suits eNorway very well) 😃

When you are a Resident:
You can never return to your original Nomad status after you resided in a place. So think carefully if you want to be part of this or not.

Also you can't deactivate houses, which is a big minus for many people who like to only activate their houses when they need it.

Impact on house Market:

The prices of houses have risen alot because of this, that is because the value of them have risen as you get more durability and extra energy recovery from them.
The production and buying of Q1 houses will always make sense though, as that is the math of the production, the only problem is the demand might get too high.
As higher Quality houses might push up the price for workers, this can be good for workers though, this will of course also drive up the prices.
The market works in mysterious ways though, so we will see how that solves itself.

Pretty much a Q1 house will last 20% longer with the same workers required to make it, so it should be better.
The people who are not residing in a place will lose out on this.

Extra energy Recovery:

This extra energy recovery is really valuable, and is something people have asked for with houses.
For the big and rich players and some others that wants that extra Energy, you could say it is in general worth the Price for the equivalent of Energy Bars.

Rest of Market:
This could also push of prices of everything else like Food and Weapons, with people having more Energy to recover and fight with, also with workers being more expensive. This might be a good thing, but will always have a bad side as well.

Local election will be added during the next weeks, or so they say.

I couldn't resist, so i am the first resident of Svalbard 😛 😃