Entrevista a Alexis Bonte

Day 25, 00:00 Published in Spain Spain by Fredy

Internacional - Entrevista al Presidente de Francia y uno de los "padres" de Erepublik, el carismático líder Alexis Bonte en el que le hemos preguntado la situación actual de Erepublik, situación interna y externa de Francia y algunas preguntas más tocando otros aspectos. De momento tan solo la ofreceremos en Ingles, en cuanto pueda lanzare la entrevista traducida.

1. Do you think that the promising start of Erepublik?

AB: I am very happy but also very nervous about it, to be honest things have gone faster than we thought and at the beginning we had server problems. We were also surprised by the hacker attacks. But in the end it is a good thing all these things happened early in the beta so we can find quickly solutions for them. I now look forward to building a better world thanks to the feedback of all the citizens.

2. Do you think that people recognize your work?

AB: One of the things that really help us get things done in the middle of the night is the numerous messages of support we get in erepublik.com or in the blog (erepublik.com/blog). This is really great. Also getting a prize from the start up Jury at LeWeb3.com was also very encouraging. Things are not easy but people seem to care about what we do and that makes all the difference.

3. What is future the future about Erepublik?

AB: What you see now in the beta is only about 15% of what the V1 we want to launch around May will be. We will gradually add components and functionality in the beta to test it and get user feedback whilst in parallel we work on the V1.

4. How is being president of France?

AB: Its cool but with power comes responsibility, France is not growing as fast as other countries and I need to fix that as a president and citizen of France.

5. Does which will be its actions as president?

AB: I will try to boost the economy, alliances and demographic growth

6. Are you spoke with the president of Spain?

AB: Yes we have an informal alliance with aliatar and spain

7. France have any alliance with Spain?

AB: yes

8. Last question. A wish for this Christmas?

AB: Yes a stable site faster servers and lots of new modules and industries in erepublik

Thanks for your time

El Pais - Edición Numero 17