Election Views: Treian's thoughts

Day 777, 07:27 Published in Canada Canada by Treian

Hello my fellow eCanadians

Today we have a duty to vote and elect our PM for the next month. While we have 3 candidates running, I have close ties to two of them and have chosen to give my thoughts to all who might seek some guidance.

First we have our Incumbant PM and my fellow party member Jacobi. What can't you say about this man?? He has done admirable in the position of Prime Minister of eCanada and has been the most open and aproachable PM since I've been on eRep. He hides nothing, and gives us weekly updates, he answers all PM's and comments on forums, and he is a great guy. Jacobi and I have gome from advasaries to teamates to friends, and now work together for the greater good of eCanada in government. Would your vote be well deserved here? YES. Is he worth a 6th term in office? YES. He has proven himself many times over, and has won the support of my party the CNC. Good luck to you sir!

Derek Harland and I are also good friends, and we ran together last term for this office. Would I run with someone I didn't fully support? NO. Derek has experience as dPM and has proven himself a leader. We share many of the same views for the nation and we think a fair bit alike in our tactics and methods. He stands up for what he believes in and is a gentleman in all situations. I respect him, and have faith in his abilities to perform in eCanada's top office. Does Derek deserve your vote?? YES. Is he deserving of a chance to shine in office?? YES. While my party has chosen to back his oponent, he did have strong support from within.

My advice to all who are usure as to who to chose when we have such great candidates: Read the platforms and learn what they intend to do if given the chance to govern our nation. Make an informed desicion this time around.

Because I am CNC party president, I will vote Jacobi in this election. My party has chosen to support him and I will stand by my comerads in that choice. For myself that was an easy choice to make, but for many it will not be so black and white.

Jacobi, you have my vote and my support sir.

Derek, you to have my support.

Good luck to you both, and may all eCanadians vote well in this election.

Chief Minister
Member of the Order of Canada
Loyal eCanadian Knight