eIRP Party President elections.

Day 694, 07:03 Published in Ireland Ireland by orangejuicemmm

Dear all members of the eIRP.

I orangejuicemmm have been your party president for the last 30 days and once again I call upon your vote to allow me to continue this great privilege.

I have tallied the highest amounts of votes on our forums: http://irishrepublicanparty.forumsmotion.com/forum.htm with 153 posts and counting.

I was in the party from the very beginning with Padraig Pearse; I also was there when we founded the forums and the IRC channel.

I have worked on Zeljko Cirovic Idea of councils within a party and have asked continuously asked for members to join them.

These are just some of the reasons as to why I should be voted as PP once again, but in the end it is up to you.

Voting commences in 17 hours and I ask you do some research on who you will be voting for so as not to pick a candidate who will not be in the party's best interests.

Good luck all other candidates.

Thank you all.

Also if you are looking for a party which suits your ideals I encourage you too check out the eIRP and its forums, as there is a great community which will try help you with anything you might need.

Thank you all again.

OJM, Party President (PP) of the eIRP